
口才在字典中的的解释是说话的才能,能张嘴说话就拥有口才,不过那属于初级口才,而高级口才是不仅会说话,而且要说好话。因此,有学者将口才更加明确地进定义为:在口语交际的过程中,表达主体运用准确、得体、生动、巧妙、有效的口语表达策略,达到特定的交际目的,取得圆满交际效果的口语表达的艺术和技巧。口才并不是一种天赋的才能,它是靠刻苦训练得来的。古今中外历史上一切口若悬河、能言善辩的演讲家、雄辩家。他们无一不是靠刻苦训练而获得成功的。 我国著名的数学家华罗庚,不仅有超群的数学才华,而且也是一位不可多得的“辩才”。他从小就注意培养自己的口才,学习普通话,他还背了唐诗四五百首,以此来锻炼自己的“口舌”。
只要你懂得了基本的礼仪和优秀的口才,你一定会在社会交往中at ease.
貌似有一点长,但是没办法了,我刚上大学,英语老师让做一个小组presentation,我以前压根就没听说过,大家帮忙把这个翻译一下,然后发我邮箱,如果有做过的学长,有时间的话再帮我做一个PPT,书的封面那个图片留下空白就可以。第一次,没必要太精致的,毕竟都不会做,做太好了反而有抄袭之嫌。谢谢了英语不必要太高级的,我英语本来就不好,四级以下的最好。只有20分了,采纳的时候有分了再追加,麻烦各位了,星期四用,最好能在星期一晚上之前弄好。我邮箱[email protected]

Everybody is good, today I will introduce the book is "gold medal" etiquette, ace eloquence, may I introduce the types of books and several other students, it is not very famous for our life is very useful.
The author of this book is JinZhengKun renmin university of China, the book is divided into two parts, professor, the first part is about etiquette, the author tells his experience some of the things we should learn what to do in life has etiquette using them. The second part is about the eloquent, from each profession, various occasions analysis how should we communicate with others.
We China from time immemorial decorum. So-called in interpersonal etiquette refers to the international communication, social intercourse, used to show respect and goodwill and friendly behavior and habitual form. Not only in our traditional etiquette in the Confucian culture is an important place in the modern society, it is indispensable to life. Etiquette is a kind of moral norms, like you to the teacher's office to handle affairs, in the door, if not directly into a knock at the door to a. Etiquette immediate goal is that the respect of others. When in social interaction process, according to the requirements of the etiquette, can make a person get respect, thus obtains pleasant, meet on which to the harmonious relationship between people. Also reflects its ultimate purpose is to maintain the normal order of social life. Without it, life of the normal social order will be destroyed, and in this regard, it and law and discipline to work.
In the dictionary of eloquence is speaking ability, can speak mouth, but it belongs to have eloquence, and advanced primary eloquence is not only speak mouth, and say something good. Therefore, there will be more clearly scholars eloquence is defined in the process in the oral communication and expression, accurate, main use lively, clever, effective oral expression strategies, achieve the aim of communication, specific satisfactory effect of oral expression of communicative skills and art. Eloquence is not a gift to, it is by hard training. All ages and history, persuasive speaking eloquent, eloquence. None of them by hard training and success. China's famous mathematician hua luogeng, not only have outstanding talent, but also of mathematics, a rare "desiring". He was noticed his eloquence training and learning mandarin, he still has five centuries, tang back to exercise their "breath."
If you know the basic etiquette and excellent eloquence, you must be at ease in social interactions.
第1个回答  2009-05-12
口才在字典中的的解释是说话的才能,能张嘴说话就拥有口才,不过那属于初级口才,而高级口才是不仅会说话,而且要说好话。因此,有学者将口才更加明确地进定义为:在口语交际的过程中,表达主体运用准确、得体、生动、巧妙、有效的口语表达策略,达到特定的交际目的,取得圆满交际效果的口语表达的艺术和技巧。口才并不是一种天赋的才能,它是靠刻苦训练得来的。古今中外历史上一切口若悬河、能言善辩的演讲家、雄辩家。他们无一不是靠刻苦训练而获得成功的。 我国著名的数学家华罗庚,不仅有超群的数学才华,而且也是一位不可多得的“辩才”。他从小就注意培养自己的口才,学习普通话,他还背了唐诗四五百首,以此来锻炼自己的“口舌”。
只要你懂得了基本的礼仪和优秀的口才,你一定会在社会交往中at ease.
第2个回答  2009-05-12
Translation of an English essay help
Reward points: 20 - also from the question of the end of 14 days 21 hours
Hello everyone, I give you this book is the "gold ceremonial, eloquence trump card," may I introduce the types of books and several other students are not the same, it is not very well-known but very useful in our lives.
This is the author of the book of the Chinese People's University Professor Jin Zhengkun, this book is divided into two parts, first part is the stress on the ritual, the authors talk about their experiences through some of the things to which we should have learned the etiquette how life has been to use their. The second part is on the eloquence of speakers from various professions, various occasions analysis of how we should be sharing with others.
礼仪之邦China since ancient times,. Etiquette is defined as the so-called interpersonal and social exchanges and international exchanges, for that respect, goodwill and friendly and used to form a code of conduct. Etiquette not only in China's traditional Confucian culture plays an important role, which in today's social life is also indispensable. Etiquette is a moral code of conduct, such as the Office of things you go to the teacher, before the door knock, knock on the door does not go directly into the rude. Direct purpose of etiquette is that respect for others. When in the course of social interaction activities, in accordance with the requirements of etiquette to do so, it will be respected is to meet in order to obtain pleasure, which achieve a harmonious relationship between human beings. It also reflects the fundamental purpose is to maintain social order and normal life. Without it, social order and normal life will be destroyed, in this regard, it and the law, the common work discipline.
Eloquence in the dictionary of words of explanation is in order, can have a mouth to speak on eloquence, but that eloquence junior, and senior eloquence is not only words, but good words to say. Therefore, some scholars will more clearly into eloquence is defined as: oral communication in the process, the expression of the main use of accurate, appropriate, lively, clever and effective strategy for oral expression, to achieve a particular communicative purpose, the effect of a successful oral communication The Art and Science. Eloquence is not a gift, it is by training hard for. Ancient and modern history, all eloquent, eloquence of speech, and orator. They are all hard on the success of training. Hua of China's well-known mathematician, mathematics is not only superb talent, but also a rare "eloquence." His attention to training from an early age with his eloquence, learning Mandarin, he also backs the Tang四五百first in order to exercise their own "tongue."
If you know the basic etiquette and excellent oratorical skills, you will be in the social relations at ease.
回答者: 199711yu - 见习魔法师 二级 5-10 11:30
第3个回答  2009-05-10
Hello everyone, I give you this book is the "gold ceremonial, eloquence trump card," may I introduce the types of books and several other students are not the same, it is not very well-known but very useful in our lives.

This is the author of the book of the Chinese People's University Professor Jin Zhengkun, this book is divided into two parts, first part is the stress on the ritual, the authors talk about their experiences through some of the things to which we should have learned the etiquette how life has been to use their. The second part is on the eloquence of speakers from various professions, various occasions analysis of how we should be sharing with others.

礼仪之邦China since ancient times,. Etiquette is defined as the so-called interpersonal and social exchanges and international exchanges, for that respect, goodwill and friendly and used to form a code of conduct. Etiquette not only in China's traditional Confucian culture plays an important role, which in today's social life is also indispensable. Etiquette is a moral code of conduct, such as the Office of things you go to the teacher, before the door knock, knock on the door does not go directly into the rude. Direct purpose of etiquette is that respect for others. When in the course of social interaction activities, in accordance with the requirements of etiquette to do so, it will be respected is to meet in order to obtain pleasure, which achieve a harmonious relationship between human beings. It also reflects the fundamental purpose is to maintain social order and normal life. Without it, social order and normal life will be destroyed, in this regard, it and the law, the common work discipline.

Eloquence in the dictionary of words of explanation is in order, can have a mouth to speak on eloquence, but that eloquence junior, and senior eloquence is not only words, but good words to say. Therefore, some scholars will more clearly into eloquence is defined as: oral communication in the process, the expression of the main use of accurate, appropriate, lively, clever and effective strategy for oral expression, to achieve a particular communicative purpose, the effect of a successful oral communication The Art and Science. Eloquence is not a gift, it is by training hard for. Ancient and modern history, all eloquent, eloquence of speech, and orator. They are all hard on the success of training. Hua of China's well-known mathematician, mathematics is not only superb talent, but also a rare "eloquence." His attention to training from an early age with his eloquence, learning Mandarin, he also backs the Tang四五百first in order to exercise their own "tongue."
第4个回答  2009-05-12
Translation of an English essay help
Reward points: 20 - also from the question of the end of 14 days 21 hours
Hello everyone, I give you this book is the "gold ceremonial, eloquence trump card," may I introduce the types of books and several other students are not the same, it is not very well-known but very useful in our lives.
This is the author of the book of the Chinese People's University Professor Jin Zhengkun, this book is divided into two parts, first part is the stress on the ritual, the authors talk about their experiences through some of the things to which we should have learned the etiquette how life has been to use their. The second part is on the eloquence of speakers from various professions, various occasions analysis of how we should be sharing with others.
礼仪之邦China since ancient times,. Etiquette is defined as the so-called interpersonal and social exchanges and international exchanges, for that respect, goodwill and friendly and used to form a code of conduct. Etiquette not only in China's traditional Confucian culture plays an important role, which in today's social life is also indispensable. Etiquette is a moral code of conduct, such as the Office of things you go to the teacher, before the door knock, knock on the door does not go directly into the rude. Direct purpose of etiquette is that respect for others. When in the course of social interaction activities, in accordance with the requirements of etiquette to do so, it will be respected is to meet in order to obtain pleasure, which achieve a harmonious relationship between human beings. It also reflects the fundamental purpose is to maintain social order and normal life. Without it, social order and normal life will be destroyed, in this regard, it and the law, the common work discipline.
Eloquence in the dictionary of words of explanation is in order, can have a mouth to speak on eloquence, but that eloquence junior, and senior eloquence is not only words, but good words to say. Therefore, some scholars will more clearly into eloquence is defined as: oral communication in the process, the expression of the main use of accurate, appropriate, lively, clever and effective strategy for oral expression, to achieve a particular communicative purpose, the effect of a successful oral communication The Art and Science. Eloquence is not a gift, it is by training hard for. Ancient and modern history, all eloquent, eloquence of speech, and orator. They are all hard on the success of training. Hua of China's well-known mathematician, mathematics is not only superb talent, but also a rare "eloquence." His attention to training from an early age with his eloquence, learning Mandarin, he also backs the Tang four fiv djg first in order to exercise their own "tongue."
If you know the basic etiquette and excellent oratorical skills, you will be in the social relations at ease.