


第1个回答  2008-12-30
XX, I do not want to disturb you, but I would like to know is this page XX I use it? In that case I will常来看看can you please reply to a message to tell me? See you look very hard to life and go dancing, is my motivation, my bad English, but I am working hard on learning, I hope you all is well
第2个回答  2008-12-30
XX, I do not want to disturb you, but I would like to know is this page XX I use it? In that case I will Changlaikankan, can you please reply to a message to tell me? To see you look very hard to To life and dance, is the driving force for me, my English is not good, but I am working hard to learn, I hope you all is well
第3个回答  2008-12-30
XX, I was not going to bother you, but I would like to know if the webpage is your personal website. If so, I will come visit more often. Please let me know. I know you have tried your best to keep up your life style as well as going dance. These are all my motivations. My English is not very good right now, but I am trying very hard to learn English. Wish you the best!

第4个回答  2008-12-30
i don't mean to disturb you, but i really wonder if the web page is being used by xx himself. if so, i would come over to take a look as often as possible. and could you reply to me by a text message? i haven seen you really work hard on life and dancing, which inspires me a lot, but my English is not so good, and i am learning it right now, wish you all the best!
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