













第1个回答  2009-03-15
1, in advance with the team members and related personnel to communicate (confidence-building foundation, know the characteristics of staff);

2, know the rules of competition (expelled from the principles of staff selection);

3, when uncertainty can not be to discuss progress, the actions speak louder than consider plans (Trump appreciate Troy direct action of decision-making, "we have action and not just listen to");

4, paranoia who do not necessarily have a successful happy life, but the vast majority of winners are paranoid (evaluation of Sam "you are very extreme, you will be very successful, either it would be a failure," but David "I do not see you have What can improve the place, you will not even admit you are a good leadership. "), did not want to be the general's soldiers not a good soldier, they want to be paranoid in general satisfactory, dare to have the opportunity to take the risk of talent; This also tells us that at commercial society and political activities, the competition is fierce and cruel, inappropriate modesty may be a suicide, in particular, the conceited and insist, and even wrong to cover up and justify past actions (嘴硬) may be necessary.

5, successful start from the very basics, sales staff may not be the most important creative and communication skills, are self-motivation and practical action;

6, managers in control of the situation and coordinating role to express their views than the proposed scheme is more important to play a team strength, personal strength is weakening the role of managers;

7, managers have to master the balance between democracy and centralism, do a good job in a reasonable division of labor, give everyone the opportunity to express their views, taking into account the views of efficiency and to maintain team unity and solidarity, constant encouragement and motivation throughout the team, guided in the right direction (carefully consider team role theory and the different state of the environment strategy under the leadership of the actual situation in the application);

8, managers not to look for the truth or to clarify the right and wrong, but through management to maximize efficiency, to obtain the best results; listen and Fewer but Better guidance is more important than eloquence;

9 found that the advantages of team members, praise, encouragement, guidance, play (Troy found Kwame merits and contribution to the team);

10, when the senior or elder to ask questions when not to interrupt the question ( "let me finish"), This is bad manners;

11, good people, make people successful and effective management is not the same thing;

12, as a manager, a simple selection and appointment of people, "If you picked the right person, you are heroes, if you picked the wrong person, you are stupid" (in carefully selected people, employment, encouraging people outside a certain mechanism for assessing the results, but also in the process to maintain some degree of oversight it? If so, the extent to which the appropriate?);

13, view is correct, not necessarily strong ability to be able to win the respect of others, respect for the feelings come from more and trust.
回答者: wyxdks - 助理 二级 3-12 08:43
第2个回答  2009-03-12
1, in advance with the team members and related personnel to communicate (confidence-building foundation, know the characteristics of staff);

2, know the rules of competition (expelled from the principles of staff selection);

3, when uncertainty can not be to discuss progress, the actions speak louder than consider plans (Trump appreciate Troy direct action of decision-making, "we have action and not just listen to");

4, paranoia who do not necessarily have a successful happy life, but the vast majority of winners are paranoid (evaluation of Sam "you are very extreme, you will be very successful, either it would be a failure," but David "I do not see you have What can improve the place, you will not even admit you are a good leadership. "), did not want to be the general's soldiers not a good soldier, they want to be paranoid in general satisfactory, dare to have the opportunity to take the risk of talent; This also tells us that at commercial society and political activities, the competition is fierce and cruel, inappropriate modesty may be a suicide, in particular, the conceited and insist, and even wrong to cover up and justify past actions (嘴硬) may be necessary.

5, successful start from the very basics, sales staff may not be the most important creative and communication skills, are self-motivation and practical action;

6, managers in control of the situation and coordinating role to express their views than the proposed scheme is more important to play a team strength, personal strength is weakening the role of managers;

7, managers have to master the balance between democracy and centralism, do a good job in a reasonable division of labor, give everyone the opportunity to express their views, taking into account the views of efficiency and to maintain team unity and solidarity, constant encouragement and motivation throughout the team, guided in the right direction (carefully consider team role theory and the different state of the environment strategy under the leadership of the actual situation in the application);

8, managers not to look for the truth or to clarify the right and wrong, but through management to maximize efficiency, to obtain the best results; listen and Fewer but Better guidance is more important than eloquence;

9 found that the advantages of team members, praise, encouragement, guidance, play (Troy found Kwame merits and contribution to the team);

10, when the senior or elder to ask questions when not to interrupt the question ( "let me finish"), This is bad manners;

11, good people, make people successful and effective management is not the same thing;

12, as a manager, a simple selection and appointment of people, "If you picked the right person, you are heroes, if you picked the wrong person, you are stupid" (in carefully selected people, employment, encouraging people outside a certain mechanism for assessing the results, but also in the process to maintain some degree of oversight it? If so, the extent to which the appropriate?);

13, view is correct, not necessarily strong ability to be able to win the respect of others, respect for the feelings come from more and trust.本回答被网友采纳