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湘西土家族苗族自治州位于湖南省西北部,地处我国中西部结合部和湘鄂渝黔四省市交界处, 辖7县1市。武陵山脉绵延全境,境内山势险峻,群峰耸立,沟壑纵横,河谷深切,云蒸霞蔚,鸟语花香。青山绿水之间,聚居着土家、苗、汉、白、回、瑶、壮等43个民族,共270多万人,少数民族人口占总人口的75.3%。其中土家族占总人口的41.6%,苗族占总人口的33.1%。各族人民和谐相处,人与自然和美相融。森林覆盖率达到62.3%,木材蓄积量2600万立方。放眼湘西群山,山上是绿海莽莽苍苍,山下是家园优美恬适。
大哥们 google语言工具我也会用啊
有没有能人 翻得真实一点 有些错误也行呀

Tujia and miaojia of weatern Hunan locate at northweste of hunan prv. It is at the junction of Xiang , E, Yu and Qian four provinces and it is the combinatioon of the china’s midst and the west. She covers and area of seven countries and one city, the mountain Wulin extends the whole territory and it’s full of steepmountain, high peeks, ravines crosses each other together with the deep gorger , the moist air enshrouding and flower perfumes, and birds sing.
In this verdent mountain and the green water, it lives 2700 thousand people, 43 nations of The Tujia, The Miao,The Han, Hui,Yao and the Zhuang, and for this number, the minority nationality are of the 75.3% and inside 41.6% are Tujia Nationality. Miao are of 33.1%of the total population.. people of each nationality gets along wel with each other and so does with the nature. The forest area covers 62.3% and the amount of wood growing stock is more than 2.6 million CBM. See from the moutain, the upper is the grey forest and the down are the graceful harmony life.
The west of Hunan eatablished their own Miao nationality autonomous region in the Aug.1952 and they eatablished their autonomous prefecture of Tujia and Miao in sep.1957.
And This is one of our minority autonomous prefectures which established in the early.
第1个回答  2009-03-05
West Hunan general situation Xiang Xi Tujia Nationality Miao Nationality Autonomous County is located in one, the Hunan province northwest part , is located in our country Middle West union headquarter and the Hunan Hubei Chongqing Guizhou four provinces cities border , is has jurisdiction over 7 1 county cities. Wu Ling continuous entire boundary of mountain chain , within the territory lie of a mountain are precipitous , mountain peaks towers aloft , the ravine runs quickly with great ease , the river valley is deep , colorful and flourishing, birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance. 43 the nation , together more than 2,700,000 people such as the family , seedling , Chinese , white , return to , the precious jade , strengthens the soil being living in a compact community between the beautiful country scene ,population of ethnic minorities account for 75.3% of population general. Account for 41.6% of population general among them Tu Jia Zu , the Miao nationality accounts for 33.1% of population general. Various national the people is harmonious to get along with , human being and the nature He Mei melts each other. Forest coverage rates reach 62.3% , wood accumulation measures 26 million cubes. Look towards west Hunan hills, Shan Shang is that the green sea is hazy , is that home is graceful at the foot of the hill quiet and comfortable. West Hunan has set up the Xiang Xi Autonomous County autonomous region as far back as right away in August , 1952 , has set up Xiang Xi Tujia Nationality Miao Nationality Autonomous County in September , 1957. Be the earliest one of the national minority autonomous district being founded of our country,
第2个回答  2009-03-05