
求试卷 拜托大家了

第I卷 (共70分)

一、 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共4分)
1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C
5 C 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 A
12 C 13 B 14 A 15 C 16 B 17 B 18 A
19 B 20 C 21 C 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 B 26 A 27 C
28 D 29 A 30 B 31 D 32 D 33 B 34 D 35 D 36 A
37 A 38 C 39 B 40 A 41 B 42 C
43 D 44 D 45 C 46 B 47 A 48 C
49 A 50 C 51 B 52 B 53 A 54 D
55 C 56 C 57 D 58 C 59 D


一、 听短文,完成下面听力任务(每小题2分,共8分)
1.one (写“1”扣1分) 2.650 3.water 4.in front of
二、 根据中文提示完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)
5.Hurry up, or you will be late for the movie.
6.Phelps’ excellent performance made him win/get the nickname of “flying fish”.
7.It’s boring to stay at home. How/What about going (out) for a walk?
8.After I answered your phone call, I brought the book(s) as soon as possible.
9.The environmental program is so important that we’re going to spend more time (in) getting ready for it.
三、 选词填空(每小题1分,共7分)
10.even though 11.wish 12.goodbye 13.make 14.stay 15.often 16.happy
四、 阅读与表达(每小题2分,共10分)
17. Yes, it is.
18. He or she can tell the children what the problem is/what made the problem happen/the glass was too close to the edge.
19. Because they are afraid of being wrong.
20. Time and effort. (只回答Patience 扣1分)
21. People can show the children what the problem is, encourage them to solve the problem alone and help them see the laws of cause and effect.
19. —Lucy, is it ____ ballpoint pen?
—Yes, thanks.
A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
20. _____ I know, the super star will visit the Water Cube next week.
A. So far B. As soon as C. As far as D. As long as
21. More and more modern buildings have been built on ____sides of Chang’An Street.
A. each B. all C. both D. every
22. —Tony, keep quiet. Didn’t you see the board which says“_________” there?
—I’m sorry.
A. No running B. No shouting C. No smoking D. No parking
23. Great changes have taken place in Beijing ____ he left for America in 1989.
A. since B. when C. until D. after
24. Jim, there are so many spelling mistakes in your composition. Why don’t you _____ the words in the dictionary?
A. look through B. look for C. look up D. look over
25. I’m sorry, sir. The play ____ for 10 minutes. Please wait outside for the second scene.
A. began B. has been on C. has begun D. was on
26. All the cars here are made in Japan _____ the green QQ. It’s made in China.
A. except B. besides C. with D. about
27. — Peter, would you please ______ me the magazine?
—Sure. Here you are.
A. to pass B. passing C.pass D. passed
28. —Have you gone to see Mr. Smith? He wanted to talk to you.
—No, but I____.
A. didn’t B. haven’t C. was D. will
29. He will treasure(珍惜) the ____ he had in America, where he stayed with an American family. It’s really amazing .
A. experience B. exercise C. experiment D. excuse
30. — Do you know how many gold medals China got in the 29th Olympic
—Oh, fifty-one! We all felt ____ when we heard the ____ news.
A. exciting; excited B. excited ; exciting
C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited
31. Don't worry about your children. They will ______ in our centre.
A. take care of B. be taken care C. take care D. be taken care of
32. —Excuse me, could you tell me _____?
—Go straight and turn right. You’ll find it on your right.
A. how can I get to the National Stadium
B. which was the way to the National Stadium
C. how far the National Stadium is
D. where the National Stadium is
33. Two thousand dollars ____ too much for the course. Can we make it cheaper?
A. are B. is C. was D. were
34. He is the old man ____ spoke at the meeting just now.
A. which B. whose C. what D. that
35. The sign ____ always makes me think of the great time I spent in Beijing in 2008.
A. B. C. D.
36.—Would you like to enter the photo competition?
—___, but I lost my father’s new digital camera last month.
A. I’d love to B. That’s all right C. I’m sorry D. Come on
四、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)
This past Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. This was made possible by my sister, Laura, who is nine years older.
My sister bought me three wonderful gifts, 37 only one would stay in my heart forever. First she handed me the smallest. Because Laura was careful with her actions, I knew this was her 38 favourite. It was a bag of sweets. I was happy with it, but I wanted to know about what lay ahead. Next she handed me a box. After tearing (撕) away the wrapping paper, I 39 a fashionable and expensive sweater. I was deeply moved that my sister was so 40 . Then she handed me the last gift. Judging (判断) by the familiar size and 41 , I knew it was a CD. It was the record of music from the movie “Rocky”, with encouraging songs to all players, dreamers… I 42 loved it, but not as much as I would after my sister explained to me.
She was talking about a knee injury that 43 me half of my soccer season. I expected to be with my teammates and suffered (遭受痛苦)each minute when I sat on the bench. I tried hard, hoping my knee injury would heal(治愈)soon. This was what led my sister to 44 .
After mentioning what was 45 the gift, Laura played the CD for me. Even though I had heard those songs a thousand times, each note struck(撞击) me as if it was new. It played in my soul(灵魂) and on my emotions, I 46 breathlessly, as the words “Trying hard now. It’s hard now” sounded through the room. It 47 me in a way beyond the happiness most gifts could bring. I couldn’t help crying and hugged my sister. Knowing that my sister had 48 the problem so deeply made me realize that I am the luckiest little sister in the world. I had received a gift with so much thought behind it! I’ll keep it forever.
37. A. but B. so C. or D. and
38. A. most B. less C. least D. more
39. A. noticed B. found C. felt D. realized
40. A. kind B. serious C. helpful D. rich
41. A. colour B. shape C. look D. style
42. A. easily B. suddenly C. immediately D. finally
43. A. wasted B. stopped C. took D. cost
44. A. give the sweater B. play the music C. heal the injury D. buy the CD
45. A. from B. in C. behind D. for
46. A. said B. listened C. cried D. laughed
47. A. touched B. harmed C. helped D. broke
48. A. worked out B. seen C. felt D. found out
五、阅读理解 (共22分,每小题2分)
Hong Kong is the Events Capital of Asia and that means there’s always something fun and exciting to do. Hong Kong Winter Festival is just one of many special events that you can enjoy this Christmas season.
Event name Date and Time Place Price
A Symphony(交响乐)of Lights Every night 8pm-8:18pm The Avenue of Stars Free; fireworks added to shows on Dec. 24-26 and Dec. 31
National Ballet of China Nov. 24-25 and 27-28
7:30pm Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre HK$ 100, $180, $350, $480
Hong Kong International Races (horse races) Dec. 12
Noon- 6pm Sha Tin Racecourse Coming Horseracing Tour price: HK$ 790
Ocean Park Christmas Sensation Dec.18 to Jan.2
10am – 8pm
Park closes at 6pm on Dec.18 and 25 Ocean Park HK$ 185 adults,
HK$ 93 children aged 3-11

49. We can watch the symphony with fireworks on ____.
A. Dec. 25 B. Dec. 28 C. Nov.28 D. Nov. 25
50. The Kings will be free on the afternoon of December 12, and they can have fun
at ____.
A. the Ocean Park B. Grand Theatre
C. Sha Tin Racecourse D. the Avenue of Stars
51. If you and your parents want to visit the Ocean Park, you will pay ____for the
A. HK$ 463 B. HK$ 555 C. HK$ 278 D. HK$ 370
Just like the planners for the Beijing Olympics in 2008, the planners for the London Olympics in 2012 are making sure that the Games will benefit the people of their city. London is planning to hold the most environmentally friendly Olympic Games ever. For example, a wind turbine(涡轮机)is going to be built to the north of the Olympic Park. London's Olympic planners say that it will have blades(叶片)about 40 meters and that they plan to use it after the Games to deliver(传送)energy to homes and businesses in the local area for at least 20 years.
The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) plans to use the turbine to produce energy for the Olympic Park in East London. It is expected to produce the same amount of energy that 1,200 homes use in a year. They're also hoping to make a big impression on the thousands of visitors expected in London for the Games. It's planned to be 120 metres high over the Olympic Park in East London when the Olympic Games take place in 2012.
The ODA is also hoping to use other 'green' energy sources(来源). Solar energy from the summer sun and hydro(水的)power from the River Thames are also possible future energy for this part of the capital.
London also plans to provide a clean modern transport system for the Games. A train called Javelin (which will travel at up to 225 km per hour) is going to link (连接) the Olympic Park with central London in just seven minutes.
The organizers hope to use the new Channel Tunnel Rail Linkat St Pancras in central London to bring even more people to the Games. Eurostar trains between London and Paris and between London and Brussels will be often and these high-speed trains are going to reduce the number of flights from Europe needed to deliver the sportsmen and audience to London. In addition, with new railway lines and stations in the local area, transport planners are aiming for the rail network to deliver 240,000 passengers an hour to the Park with a train arriving every 15 seconds. In this way planners hope to reduce the need for planes, cars and buses and therefore make London 'greener' in 2012.

52. From the passage we know that benefit probably means “____” .
A. do harm to B. do good to C. show D. teach
53. People will go to the Olympic Park from central London by ____.
A. Javelin B. Eurostar C. Channel Tunnel D. plane
54. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?
A. A wind turbine will be built to deliver energy.
B. The River Thames may be the source of hydro energy.
C. With the use of new railways, London will be greener in 2012.
D. The ODA is an engineer who can build things for the Olympic Games.
55. What is the main idea about this passage?
A. The transport in London will be modern and perfect.
B. The ODA is hoping people will use solar energy and hydro power.
C. London will hold the most environmentally friendly Olympic Games.
D. After the Games the energy will be used for businesses.
Householders are being made to collect their own mail because postmen are not bothering (费力) to deliver parcels (包裹)and letters that must be signed for. Instead, they simply leave cards saying “Sorry you were out” without even ringing the doorbell to check. Customers then have to collect their mail from their local Post Office.
Consumer Watchdog Postwatch said it had received 150 complaints (投诉) from Royal Mail customers across Britain who received “Sorry you were out” notices when they were actually at home.
Most parcels and all recorded delivery letters need to be signed for. But some postmen do not seem to want to wait for householders to answer a knock at the door. Others, employed(雇用) as short-term workers, have been known only to deliver the cards.
“We have had complaints that postmen are leaving these cards even when people are in,” a spokesman for Postwatch said. “And we have also had customers telling us that short-term postmen are not allowed to take signed-for mail to the door, so they had to drop these notices through the letterbox instead. It is completely unacceptable that this mail is not being delivered. The recorded mail service is more expensive and is meant to be a top quality(品质)delivery service, but this is not the case.”
Musician Adrian Bradbury, 38, complained to Postwatch after he received two cards through the letterbox at his South London home while he was there caring for his baby daughter. He ran after the postman, only to find he did not have the parcels with him. The postman told him that he was a short-term worker and said the parcels could be picked up from the sorting office at New Cross Gate. More than three weeks later, Mr. Bradbury has not had a chance to pick up his parcels. “I am so busy looking after the baby,” he said, “The parcels are probably presents for her.”
The Royal Mail said it knew about the situation in Mr. Bradbury’s area of New Cross Gate and it was a way “to simplify(简化) things for new short-term workers that came in”.
The Communication Workers Union criticized(批评) the Royal Mail. “If the managers are encouraging this practice, the CWU condemns (谴责) it. For the Royal Mail to deliver the service customers deserve (应得), the company needs to spend money on properly trained and paid long-term workers.”

56. Customers complain that the postmen leave cards saying “Sorry you were out” ____.
A. when there is nobody in B. after they ring the doorbell
C. without checking if there is someone in D. to save time and money
57. The underlined sentence “ but this is not the case”means that ____.
A. customers get a very good delivery service without paying so much
B. the Royal Mail spends much money on a top delivery service
C. customers have to pay more money for better delivery service
D. the Royal mail doesn’t provide the service customers deserve
58. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Some of the complaints have to do with the short-term workers.
B. The recorded mail is more expensive and should be signed for.
C. Mr. Bradbury is so angry because the parcels for his daughter are lost.
D. The Royal Mail should be condemned if it doesn’t change the situation.
59. From the passage, we can infer(推断) that Postwatch is probably a(n) ____.
A. householder B. postman C. letterbox D. organization
第Ⅱ卷 (非机读卷 共50分)
apartment:公寓 rent: 房租 bill:账单
Size 1. ____-bedroom apartment
Rent 2.$____ per month, with $300 security deposit
Bills Pay electricity only. Gas and 3. ____ are included.
Parking Parking space is 4. ____ the apartment.
二、语言知识运用(2) (共10分,每小题2分)
Hurry up, or you will____ the movie.
Phelps’ excellent performance ____the nickname of “flying fish”.
7. 呆在家里太没意思了,出去散散步怎么样?
It’s boring to stay at home. ____?
After I answered your phone call, I ____.
9. 这次环保活动很重要,我们打算多花些时间做准备。
The environmental program is____important____.
三、选词填空 (共7分,每小题1分)
often, make, even though, goodbye, stay, wish, happy
A: I’ll miss you, Diana!
B: Oh, I feel just the same! We must try to continue our friendship, 10 we will no
longer be at school together.
A: Yes. I 11 we weren’t going to different senior high schools. I feel really sorry
to have to say 12 to you and all our other old friends.
B: We’ll 13 new friends, too, though! But let’s promise to 14 in touch. We
may not see each other so 15, but we can get together in the summer vacation.
A: Yes, and think of all the 16 times we’ll have then!
When children are faced with problems, they may not be able to deal with them. Children need to learn how to solve (解决) problems. You can help them to learn it. The best way is to take the time to talk about problems as they happen. Of course, this is not easy to do. Problems have a way of bursting upon(突然发生) someone at the worst time. But even if the time is not the best, you should try to help.
There are many things you can do to help children learn problem-solving skills. One good way is to find out what made the problem happen. This is a skill that children won’t learn without help. A child may knock over a glass of milk at the dinner table, but he may not realize that the glass was too close to the edge. You can show the child what the problem is. Then it can be solved.
The next step for children is to learn how to solve the problem alone. This step takes courage. Some of them are so afraid of being wrong that they cannot solve problems. You can help them by talking about some possible answers. The two of you can decide which answer is the best. Let the children try it out. Now the children will see that problems can be solved, and you can praise them for choosing an answer.
Another step to problem-solving is to help children see the laws of cause and effect (因果规律). If a glass is knocked over, it will fall and break. If children might like to write on the wall, the pencil always leaves a mark. Soon the children will see the link between cause and effect, and then they are on the road to growth. When children see someone else knock over a glass. they now know that it will break. When they see writing on the wall, they can tell how it got there.
The ability to solve problems is not easy for children to learn. It is not easy for adults either. It takes patience for you, and it takes practice for the child.But problem-solving can be taught. All you need is time and effort.

17. Is it the best way to talk about problems in time?
18.What is an adult going to do first when a child knocks over a glass at the table?
19.Why is it difficult for children to solve problems alone?
20.What do adults need to help children solve problems?
21. How can people help children learn problem-solving skills?
五、写作 (共15分)
第1个回答  2009-03-06
19. —Lucy, is it ____ ballpoint pen?
—Yes, thanks.
A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
20. _____ I know, the super star will visit the Water Cube next week.
A. So far B. As soon as C. As far as D. As long as
21. More and more modern buildings have been built on ____sides of Chang’An Street.
A. each B. all C. both D. every
22. —Tony, keep quiet. Didn’t you see the board which says“_________” there?
—I’m sorry.
A. No running B. No shouting C. No smoking D. No parking
23. Great changes have taken place in Beijing ____ he left for America in 1989.
A. since B. when C. until D. after
24. Jim, there are so many spelling mistakes in your composition. Why don’t you _____ the words in the dictionary?
A. look through B. look for C. look up D. look over
25. I’m sorry, sir. The play ____ for 10 minutes. Please wait outside for the second scene.
A. began B. has been on C. has begun D. was on
26. All the cars here are made in Japan _____ the green QQ. It’s made in China.
A. except B. besides C. with D. about
27. — Peter, would you please ______ me the magazine?
—Sure. Here you are.
A. to pass B. passing C.pass D. passed
28. —Have you gone to see Mr. Smith? He wanted to talk to you.
—No, but I____.
A. didn’t B. haven’t C. was D. will
29. He will treasure(珍惜) the ____ he had in America, where he stayed with an American family. It’s really amazing .
A. experience B. exercise C. experiment D. excuse
30. — Do you know how many gold medals China got in the 29th Olympic
—Oh, fifty-one! We all felt ____ when we heard the ____ news.
A. exciting; excited B. excited ; exciting
C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited
31. Don't worry about your children. They will ______ in our centre.
A. take care of B. be taken care C. take care D. be taken care of
32. —Excuse me, could you tell me _____?
—Go straight and turn right. You’ll find it on your right.
A. how can I get to the National Stadium
B. which was the way to the National Stadium
C. how far the National Stadium is
D. where the National Stadium is
33. Two thousand dollars ____ too much for the course. Can we make it cheaper?
A. are B. is C. was D. were
34. He is the old man ____ spoke at the meeting just now.
A. which B. whose C. what D. that
35. The sign ____ always makes me think of the great time I spent in Beijing in 2008.
A. B. C. D.
36.—Would you like to enter the photo competition?
—___, but I lost my father’s new digital camera last month.
A. I’d love to B. That’s all right C. I’m sorry D. Come on
四、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)
This past Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. This was made possible by my sister, Laura, who is nine years older.
My sister bought me three wonderful gifts, 37 only one would stay in my heart forever. First she handed me the smallest. Because Laura was careful with her actions, I knew this was her 38 favourite. It was a bag of sweets. I was happy with it, but I wanted to know about what lay ahead. Next she handed me a box. After tearing (撕) away the wrapping paper, I 39 a fashionable and expensive sweater. I was deeply moved that my sister was so 40 . Then she handed me the last gift. Judging (判断) by the familiar size and 41 , I knew it was a CD. It was the record of music from the movie “Rocky”, with encouraging songs to all players, dreamers… I 42 loved it, but not as much as I would after my sister explained to me.
She was talking about a knee injury that 43 me half of my soccer season. I expected to be with my teammates and suffered (遭受痛苦)each minute when I sat on the bench. I tried hard, hoping my knee injury would heal(治愈)soon. This was what led my sister to 44 .
After mentioning what was 45 the gift, Laura played the CD for me. Even though I had heard those songs a thousand times, each note struck(撞击) me as if it was new. It played in my soul(灵魂) and on my emotions, I 46 breathlessly, as the words “Trying hard now. It’s hard now” sounded through the room. It 47 me in a way beyond the happiness most gifts could bring. I couldn’t help crying and hugged my sister. Knowing that my sister had 48 the problem so deeply made me realize that I am the luckiest little sister in the world. I had received a gift with so much thought behind it! I’ll keep it forever.
37. A. but B. so C. or D. and
38. A. most B. less C. least D. more
39. A. noticed B. found C. felt D. realized
40. A. kind B. serious C. helpful D. rich
41. A. colour B. shape C. look D. style
42. A. easily B. suddenly C. immediately D. finally
43. A. wasted B. stopped C. took D. cost
44. A. give the sweater B. play the music C. heal the injury D. buy the CD
45. A. from B. in C. behind D. for
46. A. said B. listened C. cried D. laughed
47. A. touched B. harmed C. helped D. broke
48. A. worked out B. seen C. felt D. found out
五、阅读理解 (共22分,每小题2分)
Hong Kong is the Events Capital of Asia and that means there’s always something fun and exciting to do. Hong Kong Winter Festival is just one of many special events that you can enjoy this Christmas season.
Event name Date and Time Place Price
A Symphony(交响乐)of Lights Every night 8pm-8:18pm The Avenue of Stars Free; fireworks added to shows on Dec. 24-26 and Dec. 31
National Ballet of China Nov. 24-25 and 27-28
7:30pm Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre HK$ 100, $180, $350, $480
Hong Kong International Races (horse races) Dec. 12
Noon- 6pm Sha Tin Racecourse Coming Horseracing Tour price: HK$ 790
Ocean Park Christmas Sensation Dec.18 to Jan.2
10am – 8pm
Park closes at 6pm on Dec.18 and 25 Ocean Park HK$ 185 adults,
HK$ 93 children aged 3-11

49. We can watch the symphony with fireworks on ____.
A. Dec. 25 B. Dec. 28 C. Nov.28 D. Nov. 25
50. The Kings will be free on the afternoon of December 12, and they can have fun
at ____.
A. the Ocean Park B. Grand Theatre
C. Sha Tin Racecourse D. the Avenue of Stars
51. If you and your parents want to visit the Ocean Park, you will pay ____for the
A. HK$ 463 B. HK$ 555 C. HK$ 278 D. HK$ 370
Just like the planners for the Beijing Olympics in 2008, the planners for the London Olympics in 2012 are making sure that the Games will benefit the people of their city. London is planning to hold the most environmentally friendly Olympic Games ever. For example, a wind turbine(涡轮机)is going to be built to the north of the Olympic Park. London's Olympic planners say that it will have blades(叶片)about 40 meters and that they plan to use it after the Games to deliver(传送)energy to homes and businesses in the local area for at least 20 years.
The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) plans to use the turbine to produce energy for the Olympic Park in East London. It is expected to produce the same amount of energy that 1,200 homes use in a year. They're also hoping to make a big impression on the thousands of visitors expected in London for the Games. It's planned to be 120 metres high over the Olympic Park in East London when the Olympic Games take place in 2012.
The ODA is also hoping to use other 'green' energy sources(来源). Solar energy from the summer sun and hydro(水的)power from the River Thames are also possible future energy for this part of the capital.
London also plans to provide a clean modern transport system for the Games. A train called Javelin (which will travel at up to 225 km per hour) is going to link (连接) the Olympic Park with central London in just seven minutes.
The organizers hope to use the new Channel Tunnel Rail Linkat St Pancras in central London to bring even more people to the Games. Eurostar trains between London and Paris and between London and Brussels will be often and these high-speed trains are going to reduce the number of flights from Europe needed to deliver the sportsmen and audience to London. In addition, with new railway lines and stations in the local area, transport planners are aiming for the rail network to deliver 240,000 passengers an hour to the Park with a train arriving every 15 seconds. In this way planners hope to reduce the need for planes, cars and buses and therefore make London 'greener' in 2012.

52. From the passage we know that benefit probably means “____” .
A. do harm to B. do good to C. show D. teach
53. People will go to the Olympic Park from central London by ____.
A. Javelin B. Eurostar C. Channel Tunnel D. plane
54. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?
A. A wind turbine will be built to deliver energy.
B. The River Thames may be the source of hydro energy.
C. With the use of new railways, London will be greener in 2012.
D. The ODA is an engineer who can build things for the Olympic Games.
55. What is the main idea about this passage?
A. The transport in London will be modern and perfect.
B. The ODA is hoping people will use solar energy and hydro power.
C. London will hold the most environmentally friendly Olympic Games.
D. After the Games the energy will be used for businesses.
Householders are being made to collect their own mail because postmen are not bothering (费力) to deliver parcels (包裹)and letters that must be signed for. Instead, they simply leave cards saying “Sorry you were out” without even ringing the doorbell to check. Customers then have to collect their mail from their local Post Office.
Consumer Watchdog Postwatch said it had received 150 complaints (投诉) from Royal Mail customers across Britain who received “Sorry you were out” notices when they were actually at home.
Most parcels and all recorded delivery letters need to be signed for. But some postmen do not seem to want to wait for householders to answer a knock at the door. Others, employed(雇用) as short-term workers, have been known only to deliver the cards.
“We have had complaints that postmen are leaving these cards even when people are in,” a spokesman for Postwatch said. “And we have also had customers telling us that short-term postmen are not allowed to take signed-for mail to the door, so they had to drop these notices through the letterbox instead. It is completely unacceptable that this mail is not being delivered. The recorded mail service is more expensive and is meant to be a top quality(品质)delivery service, but this is not the case.”
Musician Adrian Bradbury, 38, complained to Postwatch after he received two cards through the letterbox at his South London home while he was there caring for his baby daughter. He ran after the postman, only to find he did not have the parcels with him. The postman told him that he was a short-term worker and said the parcels could be picked up from the sorting office at New Cross Gate. More than three weeks later, Mr. Bradbury has not had a chance to pick up his parcels. “I am so busy looking after the baby,” he said, “The parcels are probably presents for her.”
The Royal Mail said it knew about the situation in Mr. Bradbury’s area of New Cross Gate and it was a way “to simplify(简化) things for new short-term workers that came in”.
The Communication Workers Union criticized(批评) the Royal Mail. “If the managers are encouraging this practice, the CWU condemns (谴责) it. For the Royal Mail to deliver the service customers deserve (应得), the company needs to spend money on properly trained and paid long-term workers.”

56. Customers complain that the postmen leave cards saying “Sorry you were out” ____.
A. when there is nobody in B. after they ring the doorbell
C. without checking if there is someone in D. to save time and money
57. The underlined sentence “ but this is not the case”means that ____.
A. customers get a very good delivery service without paying so much
B. the Royal Mail spends much money on a top delivery service
C. customers have to pay more money for better delivery service
D. the Royal mail doesn’t provide the service customers deserve
58. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Some of the complaints have to do with the short-term workers.
B. The recorded mail is more expensive and should be signed for.
C. Mr. Bradbury is so angry because the parcels for his daughter are lost.
D. The Royal Mail should be condemned if it doesn’t change the situation.
59. From the passage, we can infer(推断) that Postwatch is probably a(n) ____.
A. householder B. postman C. letterbox D. organization
第Ⅱ卷 (非机读卷 共50分)
apartment:公寓 rent: 房租 bill:账单
Size 1. ____-bedroom apartment
Rent 2.$____ per month, with $300 security deposit
Bills Pay electricity only. Gas and 3. ____ are included.
Parking Parking space is 4. ____ the apartment.
二、语言知识运用(2) (共10分,每小题2分)
Hurry up, or you will____ the movie.
Phelps’ excellent performance ____the nickname of “flying fish”.
7. 呆在家里太没意思了,出去散散步怎么样?
It’s boring to stay at home. ____?
After I answered your phone call, I ____.
9. 这次环保活动很重要,我们打算多花些时间做准备。
The environmental program is____important____.
三、选词填空 (共7分,每小题1分)
often, make, even though, goodbye, stay, wish, happy
A: I’ll miss you, Diana!
B: Oh, I feel just the same! We must try to continue our friendship, 10 we will no
longer be at school together.
A: Yes. I 11 we weren’t going to different senior high schools. I feel really sorry
to have to say 12 to you and all our other old friends.
B: We’ll 13 new friends, too, though! But let’s promise to 14 in touch. We
may not see each other so 15, but we can get together in the summer vacation.
A: Yes, and think of all the 16 times we’ll have then!
When children are faced with problems, they may not be able to deal with them. Children need to learn how to solve (解决) problems. You can help them to learn it. The best way is to take the time to talk about problems as they happen. Of course, this is not easy to do. Problems have a way of bursting upon(突然发生) someone at the worst time. But even if the time is not the best, you should try to help.
There are many things you can do to help children learn problem-solving skills. One good way is to find out what made the problem happen. This is a skill that children won’t learn without help. A child may knock over a glass of milk at the dinner table, but he may not realize that the glass was too close to the edge. You can show the child what the problem is. Then it can be solved.
The next step for children is to learn how to solve the problem alone. This step takes courage. Some of them are so afraid of being wrong that they cannot solve problems. You can help them by talking about some possible answers. The two of you can decide which answer is the best. Let the children try it out. Now the children will see that problems can be solved, and you can praise them for choosing an answer.
Another step to problem-solving is to help children see the laws of cause and effect (因果规律). If a glass is knocked over, it will fall and break. If children might like to write on the wall, the pencil always leaves a mark. Soon the children will see the link between cause and effect, and then they are on the road to growth. When children see someone else knock over a glass. they now know that it will break. When they see writing on the wall, they can tell how it got there.
The ability to solve problems is not easy for children to learn. It is not easy for adults either. It takes patience for you, and it takes practice for the child.But problem-solving can be taught. All you need is time and effort.

17. Is it the best way to talk about problems in time?
18.What is an adult going to do first when a child knocks over a glass at the table?
19.Why is it difficult for children to solve problems alone?
20.What do adults need to help children solve problems?
21. How can people help children learn problem-solving skills?
五、写作 (共15分)

第I卷 (共70分)

一、 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共4分)
1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C
5 C 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 A
12 C 13 B 14 A 15 C 16 B 17 B 18 A
19 B 20 C 21 C 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 B 26 A 27 C
28 D 29 A 30 B 31 D 32 D 33 B 34 D 35 D 36 A
37 A 38 C 39 B 40 A 41 B 42 C
43 D 44 D 45 C 46 B 47 A 48 C
49 A 50 C 51 B 52 B 53 A 54 D
55 C 56 C 57 D 58 C 59 D


一、 听短文,完成下面听力任务(每小题2分,共8分)
1.one (写“1”扣1分) 2.650 3.water 4.in front of
二、 根据中文提示完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)
5.Hurry up, or you will be late for the movie.
6.Phelps’ excellent performance made him win/get the nickname of “flying fish”.
7.It’s boring to stay at home. How/What about going (out) for a walk?
8.After I answered your phone call, I brought the book(s) as soon as possible.
9.The environmental program is so important that we’re going to spend more time (in) getting ready for it.
三、 选词填空(每小题1分,共7分)
10.even though 11.wish 12.goodbye 13.make 14.stay 15.often 16.happy
四、 阅读与表达(每小题2分,共10分)
17. Yes, it is.
18. He or she can tell the children what the problem is/what made the problem happen/the glass was too close to the edge.
19. Because they are afraid of being wrong.
20. Time and effort. (只回答Patience 扣1分)
21. People can show the children what the problem is, encourage them to solve the problem alone and help them see the laws of cause and effect.
第2个回答  2009-03-16