hold on的用法有哪些?


一、hold on的含义和用法

1.grasp;hold tightly to sth.抓住

Hold on to my hand while we cross the street.过马路时,抓住我的手。
It's pretty windy.You'd better hold on to your hat.风很大,你最好抓住你的帽子。

2.continue;go on继续

We held on our way.我们继续赶路。
Rain held on steadily all afternoon.雨下了整整一个下午。

3.wait and not hang up a telephone(电话)别挂掉

When he left the telephone to find a pencil, he asked me to hold on.离开电话找铅笔的时候,他让我别挂掉。
Could you hold on a minute?你能等一会儿,不要挂掉电话好吗?

4. keep on with a business or job in spite of difficulties; endure不顾困难继续经营;继续坚持;忍受

It was hard to keep the store going during the depression, but he held on and at last met with success.经济不景气时生意很难维持,但是他继续经营,最后终于成功。
If he can just hold on a little longer, we can get help to him.如果他能再坚持一会儿,我们就可以帮助他了。
The soldiers held on in that isolated position for more than two hours.战士们孤军奋战,坚持了两个多小时。

5.wait a minute;stop(usu.used as a command)等一下;停止(常用于命令式)

Hold on!I can't hear what you are saying.等一等!我听不清楚你在说什么。
Just hold on a second while I get my breath back.等一下,让我喘口 气。

二、hang on的含义和用法

1.continue listening on a telephone继续听电话;不要挂断
Please hang on a second;I'll look for the manager and tell him you are on the phone for him.请稍等片刻,不要挂掉,我去找经理并告诉他你在电话里等他。

2.lean or support oneself upon倚;靠

Her head hanging on her mother's arm,the girl fell asleep.这女孩倚在她妈妈怀里,睡着了。

3.persevere;continue doing sth.坚持;坚忍;继续做

It is a hard task,but if you hang on,you will succeed in the end.任务虽然艰巨,但如果你坚持下去,你最终是会成功的。

4.cling to;hold on to sth.tightly抓住;握紧

The climber almost fell off the cliff,but managed to hang on until help came.登山者差点掉下悬崖,但他设法抓住崖边直到有人救他。

5.depend on;wait on 取决于;依赖于;有待于

Everything hangs on his decision.一切取决于他的决定。

It all hangs on whether he is willing to cooperate with us.一切都取决于他是否愿意和我们合作。

6.listen with fascination听得着迷;注意听

The students hung on his every word.学生们全神贯注地听着他的每一句话。
Everyone was hanging on his answer,but he kept silent.大家都在注意听他怎么回答,但他却一直不吭声。

7.continue to sound;continue to cause suffering继续响着;继续存在(疾病)

The concert had come to an end,but the strains of music seemed to hang on in our ears.音乐会已经结束,但乐曲声似乎仍在我们耳边回荡。
My cold has hung on for weeks,I just can't shake it off.我感冒已经好几个星期,就是好不了。