
诗的每句开头规定顺序是 I l o v e l i x i a n g s h e n g

I have had an eager since I was born.That's(自从出生的那一天,我便一直想)
Looking deep into your heart and soul,I will(一直想深深地凝视你,直到了解你的灵魂,我会)
Observe you and try to follow,even if you(我会,紧随你的脚步,哪怕你)
Vanishing into the air,I won't give up(倏忽间幻灭在空气里,我都不会放弃)
Everlasting love(永恒的爱)
Lets me cry,without you(让我潸然泪下的永恒的爱,没有你)
I cannot even breath(我甚至不能呼吸)
X is the crucifixion which link our fortune up(X是那将我们命运紧紧相连的十字架)
I am not afraid of such confinement(我从未畏惧过这样的囚困)
As we are together(因为我们在一起)
Never seperate(永不分离)
God,could you bless my lovely girl(上帝啊,你能祝福我那可爱的女孩吗)
Since I need to protect you throughout my entire life(既然我需要一生一世保护你)
Hence nobody could hurt you(所以任谁也别想伤害你)
Enter the Eden of us own(进入我们自己的伊甸园吧)
Never look back again(不需要再回首往事)
Go along ,find the true love,I love you(一直向前走,找寻真爱,我 爱 你)
第1个回答  2009-02-06
I dream about you last night
Like a bird finding its nest
Oh my heart beating this morning
Victory finally comes to my darling
Enriching my life in a minute
Leaving all sadness in a place limit
I just want to come to you
Xiangsheng you can feel
I'm really needing you
A moon in the midnight
Never feels the pain which
Goes with my leaving you
So I never want to leave you
Having known my heart perfectly
Enlarging my life is
Not a job everybody can do
Go find our happiness!
