求R社游戏bad medicine 攻略


【正直に名乗り出る】/【なんとなく隠れる】志奴要-106 _, I) h2 d7 ]6 K2 W; q, Q* z
【廊下へ行く】/【学食へ行く】 ※其实强制两边都要跑一遍,先选哪边也没差% G7 M1 `, Z6 ?
【闻くほどのことじゃ……】志奴要-10/【理解できたので大丈夫です!】6 B) Q5 G: s& a: S" H) x6 n
【はい】/【いいえ】志奴要-20; I1 v5 T+ v1 x& ?5 {/ j& S( b
【プリントを取りに行く】/【扫除をする】 ※同上注解
【用事があると言って逃げる】志奴要-20/【大人しく従う】# W3 _% `0 w# o" ?& R2 m- j1 d
【わかりました】/【无理です】志奴要-305 w% l% L' m8 F- p1 g+ a
【志奴先生のお手伝いをする】/【日志を书く】 ※继续同上……& D

【答えは……?】凪原大贵-20/【解き方を教えて下さい!】4 H7 f4 R* u" t% i( ^% o
【(触れてみたかった、かも)】凪原大贵-10/【こちらこそすみません】0 c$ F; {# k: N& E. s
【じっと见つめる】/【とっさに目をそらす】凪原大贵-10/ _. }6 B9 {9 C* R9 s7 e
【廊下へ行く】/【保健室へ行く】0 M& G% O4 @* R% |. e/ T
【……はい】/【(自信がないな)】凪原大贵-20. ^( R# E( A, J9 e& E5 a( Q
《葛叶翔》. _/ j0 Z$ T" i- |

【葛叶先生に质问をしに行く】/【お弁当を食べる】. k" Y2 |; e( O7 {
【何かいい方法を闻く】葛叶翔-30/【葛叶の元へむかう】h! F7 U" \+ ^5 ?
【保健室へ行く】/【校门前へ行く】6 y3 k6 y1 Z, K
& ]% w% S$ H6 ~+ |( f( U《加修レム》
/ }% [# T: R3 |! b# c
【ち、ちちち违います!】/【そんなもの盗みません】加修レム-104 ^/ ~" Iw' ]K+ T& y
【いりません】加修レム-20/【ありがとうございます】8 X4 `/ l/ \& w! zI
【いつから孤児院に?】加修レム-10/【ごめんなさい……】& _% I. d2 W: n, T
【ため息をつく】/【あくまで沈黙する】加修レム-20& M( \R# z( n8 G. M/ C9 A
【加修先生に会いに行く】/【部活へ行く】" r_/ ~3 I8 U. f% S
2 m1 p0 ]& q0 t& E- t+ P《柳辽太》4 l& A/ R$ j( p. j
6 ~* `+ r2 K% H# e0 ~! |9 k' A/ F
【别にどうってことないです】柳辽太-10/【まだまだ紧张してます】3 P( \Z& H' p! \! }* s
【别に先生とは関系ないよ】柳辽太-20/【うん、先生のお阴だね】; H' R% a2 F) Q! s2 F& @
【先生とは関系ないです】柳辽太-30/【占いの结果がよかったんです】; ?; S1 w! X' X9 r: c1 W, Z
《东条海里》* O* r2 f) |% q0 Y) \; Q

【とても绮丽ですね】/【珍しい絵ですね】东条海里-101 x! dx5 q, ]( U
【はい】东条海里-20/【いいえ】3 E) r& B: R* Z+ t
【颔く】/【自信がないです】东条海里-20# f7 R* e- ~: c! h& U
【青蔷薇のお世话をしに行く】/【レッスンを受けに行く】+ X. l8 Q. g2 Lj
【はい】/【いいのかな……?】东条海里-103 }* P% N: ]8 u9 O
第1个回答  2014-08-14
1.issue 2.helpless 3.pressure 4.sets her mind 5.In addition to
6.had (teh entire house) to myself 7.on guard 8.tension
9.tucked 10.stand in the way of

1.frantic 2.qualified 3.assume 4.tap 5.in addition to
6.stand in your way 7.tucked 8.catch on (to it)
9.tight 10.set your mind to

1.had run out 2.catch on 3.helping out 4.sent away for
5.were/are thinking about 6.hold back 7.has gone ahead
8.Reaching out 9.is going on

1.It is best to approach it cautiously.
2.I will go ahead with my original plan.
3.I was formally introduced to him at the party last weekend.
4.No, but I am sure he will qualify for the job.
5.I will tell him my decision upon his arrival at the airport.

Word Building

1.scientist 2.organist 3.tourist 4.machinist 5.botanist
6.pragmatist 7.realist 8.psychologist

breadfast lunch medical care
communication satellite news broadcast
Europe Asia smoke fog
helicopter airport television broadcast


1.It was not long before everyone came to know him.
Or: It won\'t be long before everyone comes to know him.
2.It was not long before the whole country rose up and drove the aggressors from their homeland.
Or: It won\'t be long before the whole country rises up and drives the aggressors from their homeland.
3.It was not long before the mechanic had the machine taken apart.
Or: It won\'t be long before the mechanic has the machine taken apart.
4.It won\'t be long before you get used to wearing glasses.
5.It won\'t be long before we work out some plan to promote our sales. 13
1.Nothing serious. Just that I\'ve got a slight headache.
2.Nothing important. Just that he\'s a bit upset about losing the game.
3.It\'s nothing, rally. Just that she didn\'t do so well in the race as she hand expected.
4.Nothing important. Just that a lit cigarette burnt a hole in her new skirt.
5.Nothing\'s the matter with me. Just that these shoes are so tight that they hurt when I walk.


1.arrival 2.approached 3.cautiously 4.responded 5.type 6.helpless
7.presuures 8.qualify 9.catch on 10.went ahead

1.cleaning 2.working 3.library 4.aloud 5.In 6.about 7.familiar
8.lives 9.before 10.much 11.had 12.When 13.because 14.gave 15.of
16.considered 17.women 18.earn 19.Only 20.like 21.softer 22.Such


1. The purpose of the interview is primarily to test the applicant\'s proficiency in spoken English.
2. It is wrong to assume that John will formally apologize them for being impolite.
3. This scandal will undoubtedly be an embarrassment to the Labor Party which is trying hard to win the election.
4. I was hard at work on a term papers when my baby sister bounded up the stairs and burst into my room.
5. I asked her several times, but she refused to respond to my question.
6. In the West, people often send away for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time.
7. No matter how hard they try, the older generation often finds if difficult to hold back changes among the young in a modern society.
8. Since you have set your mind to finish your master\'s program as soon as possible, don\'t let your social life stand in the way of your studies.

Key to Reading ActivityExercise A
1.S 2.M 3.M 4.S 5.S

Exercise B
1.S 2.M 3.M 4.M

Exercise C
1.a 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.b 10.a

Exercise D
5.我自幼就渴望弄清楚的问题,如今已有了完美的答案了。Unit 6

Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first,but with practice his steos became steady.
The doctor said I had caught a bad cold and she prescribed me four kinds of medicine.Three of them are pills to be taken aftermeal, and theother is liquid tobe taken before bedtime.
I would rather go out for a walk than just stay in the room doing nothing for two hours.
The car long being out of sight ,Jenny was still standing at the door ,gazing toward the end of the road.
As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for quite some time.
Generally speaking, increasing supply or decreasing demand can bring down prices.

If you stay up late workingevery night, your health will surely be affected.
Even if you are one of the best students in the class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.
The United States is often viewed as a melting pot of different nationalities.
It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals.
He maintained that the failure of the experiment wsa largely due to inadequate preparations.
Researchers now recommend that we take time off every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2015-10-30
1.issue 2.helpless 3.pressure 4.sets her mind 5.In addition to
6.had (teh entire house) to myself 7.on guard 8.tension
9.tucked 10.stand in the way of

1.frantic 2.qualified 3.assume 4.tap 5.in addition to
6.stand in your way 7.tucked 8.catch on (to it)
9.tight 10.set your mind to

1.had run out 2.catch on 3.helping out 4.sent away for
5.were/are thinking about 6.hold back 7.has gone ahead
8.Reaching out 9.is going on

1.It is best to approach it cautiously.
2.I will go ahead with my original plan.
3.I was formally introduced to him at the party last weekend.
4.No, but I am sure he will qualify for the job.
5.I will tell him my decision upon his arrival at the airport.

Word Building

1.scientist 2.organist 3.tourist 4.machinist 5.botanist
6.pragmatist 7.realist 8.psychologist

breadfast lunch medical care
communication satellite news broadcast
Europe Asia smoke fog
helicopter airport television broadcast


1.It was not long before everyone came to know him.
Or: It won\'t be long before everyone comes to know him.
2.It was not long before the whole country rose up and drove the aggressors from their homeland.
Or: It won\'t be long before the whole country rises up and drives the aggressors from their homeland.
3.It was not long before the mechanic had the machine taken apart.
Or: It won\'t be long before the mechanic has the machine taken apart.
4.It won\'t be long before you get used to wearing glasses.
5.It won\'t be long before we work out some plan to promote our sales. 13
1.Nothing serious. Just that I\'ve got a slight headache.
2.Nothing important. Just that he\'s a bit upset about losing the game.
3.It\'s nothing, rally. Just that she didn\'t do so well in the race as she hand expected.
4.Nothing important. Just that a lit cigarette burnt a hole in her new skirt.
5.Nothing\'s the matter with me. Just that these shoes are so tight that they hurt when I walk.


1.arrival 2.approached 3.cautiously 4.responded 5.type 6.helpless
7.presuures 8.qualify 9.catch on 10.went ahead

1.cleaning 2.working 3.library 4.aloud 5.In 6.about 7.familiar
8.lives 9.before 10.much 11.had 12.When 13.because 14.gave 15.of
16.considered 17.women 18.earn 19.Only 20.like 21.softer 22.Such


1. The purpose of the interview is primarily to test the applicant\'s proficiency in spoken English.
2. It is wrong to assume that John will formally apologize them for being impolite.
3. This scandal will undoubtedly be an embarrassment to the Labor Party which is trying hard to win the election.
4. I was hard at work on a term papers when my baby sister bounded up the stairs and burst into my room.
5. I asked her several times, but she refused to respond to my question.
6. In the West, people often send away for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time.
7. No matter how hard they try, the older generation often finds if difficult to hold back changes among the young in a modern society.
8. Since you have set your mind to finish your master\'s program as soon as possible, don\'t let your social life stand in the way of your studies.

Key to Reading ActivityExercise A
1.S 2.M 3.M 4.S 5.S

Exercise B
1.S 2.M 3.M 4.M

Exercise C
1.a 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.b 10.a

Exercise D
5.我自幼就渴望弄清楚的问题,如今已有了完美的答案了。Unit 6

Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first,but with practice his steos became steady.
The doctor said I had caught a bad cold and she prescribed me four kinds of medicine.Three of them are pills to be taken aftermeal, and theother is liquid tobe taken before bedtime.
I would rather go out for a walk than just stay in the room doing nothing for two hours.
The car long being out of sight ,Jenny was still standing at the door ,gazing toward the end of the road.
As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for quite some time.
Generally speaking, increasing supply or decreasing demand can bring down prices.

If you stay up late workingevery night, your health will surely be affected.
Even if you are one of the best students in the class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.
The United States is often viewed as a melting pot of different nationalities.
It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals.
He maintained that the failure of the experiment wsa largely due to inadequate preparations.
Researchers now recommend that we take time off every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.
第3个回答  2014-08-14
这个要等挺久的,主要抽取得慢。等抽取完后才会显示安装,5957MB 要有耐心 卡在这的人很多啊,我也是!这么多人出现这个问题的话,我单单是电脑配置和系统的问题吧,官方是不是要重视下! 我试了下装上了 你们也