as well as 感觉与并列连词相似: 可以并列不同成分。但怎么拆分理解呢?


as well as用作并列连词时,有两个意义:

1. as well as=not only…but also,但两者在用法上有如下不同:

a.not only…but also侧重后者,as well as则着重前者,也就是说A as well as B= not only B but also A。例如:

Mr. Brown has experience as well as knowledge. 布朗先生不仅有知识而且有经验。(侧重前者,即experience。)

(=Mr Brown has not only knowledge but also experience.)(着重后者,即but also后面的部分。)

b.在带有as well as的句子中,动词须和as well as前面的主语在数上取得一致;not only…but also连接句子中的并列成分时,动词的数则和but also后面的主语取得一致。例如:

The pilot as well as two of the passengers has escaped death.(as well as前的主语pilot是单数,故动词用has。)

Not only two of the passengers but also the pilot has escaped death.(as well as前的主语two of the passengers是复数,故动词用have。)

Not only the pilot but also two of the passengers have escaped death.(but also后面的主语也是复数,故动词用have。)追答

. 有时候,as well as所连接的成分并未有侧重的意义,这时它的意义相当于and,但和and又有以下三点不同: well as比and强调,含有“又”的涵义:

The plan is practical as well as far-sighted. 这方案切实可行,又具有远见性。



AS WELL AS强调前面还是后面


as well as用作并列连词时,有两个意义:

1. as well as=not only…but also,但两者在用法上有如下不同:

a.not only…but also侧重后者,as well as则着重前者,也就是说A as well as B= not only B but also A。例如:

Mr. Brown has experience as well as knowledge. 布朗先生不仅有知识而且有经验。(侧重前者,即experience。)

(=Mr Brown has not only knowledge but also experience.)(着重后者,即but also后面的部分。)

b.在带有as well as的句子中,动词须和as well as前面的主语在数上取得一致;not only…but also连接句子中的并列成分时,动词的数则和but also后面的主语取得一致。例如:

The pilot as well as two of the passengers has escaped death.(as well as前的主语pilot是单数,故动词用has。)

Not only two of the passengers but also the pilot has escaped death.(as well as前的主语two of the passengers是复数,故动词用have。)

Not only the pilot but also two of the passengers have escaped death.(but also后面的主语也是复数,故动词用have。)

2. 有时候,as well as所连接的成分并未有侧重的意义,这时它的意义相当于and,但和and又有以下三点不同: well as比and强调,含有“又”的涵义:

The plan is practical as well as far-sighted. 这方案切实可行,又具有远见性。

b.and经常用于A,B,and C这一模式,但as well as则不能,A,B, as well as C是错的,应改为A and B as well as C。例如:

We study physics, chemistry as well as mathematics.


We study physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

We study physics and chemistry as well as mathematics.

.鉴于as well as有时候意义相等于and,而and可和both连用,故在现代英语里as well as也可也both连用。例如:

This collection of stories includes both foreign as well as Chinese works. well相当于too和also,用于肯定句中,表示“也,又,而且”,用于句尾。例如:

He is a scientist, but he is a poet as well. 他是科学家,也是诗人。

He gave me advice, and money as well. 他除了给我忠告,并给我钱。
