be excited为主语时后跟什么


Be excited 为谓语时后跟 on/at/about/by/for
但是 Be excited 做主语, 只有英语老师讲解语法时使用.

be excited at :从事于,做 be excited on:已经开始了。
be exicited at/on.它们的用法以及意义基本一样,只是时态稍有不同.据个例子:I am exicited at the basketball tomorrow.明天的篮球赛让我感到很兴奋。这种情况就不可以用excited on 因为球赛还没开始呢。
I was exicited on the basketball yesterday.昨天的篮球赛让我很兴奋.

一个很大的共同点就是at和on都是是介词 所以这两个短语的后面都只能加 名词或 动名词

Be excited about 对...感到兴奋,激动
Why should we be excited about the 2008 Olympics/the 2010 World Cup?
I was excited about a job interview. 我对那个面试老激动了,当时.

2.Be excited by 被...;
People were excited by discovery of fifth planet. 人们被第5大行星的发现激动着.

3.Be excited for 因为...而激动,兴奋
I was excited for him. 我为他激动.
We are excited for 3D Developments. 为3D的发展而激动.

4.Be excited at..主要指地点,场景,位置.
Foreigners got excited at Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony. 老外在北京奥开幕式中老激动了.

微妙的不同: between about and by
I was excited about the possibilities that...我对这些(有关..的)可能性激动着.I was excited by the possibilities that...我被这些(有关..的)可能性被刺激了一下.

I was excited about the news.得知这消息我真是太激动了.
I was excited by the news.我被这消息激动了一下.
第1个回答  2015-03-04

Be excited 为谓语时后跟 on/at/about/by/for

但是 Be excited 做主语,  只有英语老师讲解语法时使用.  

be excited at :从事于,做  be excited  on:已经开始了。
be exicited at/on.它们的用法以及意义基本一样,只是时态稍有不同.据个例子:I am exicited at the basketball tomorrow.明天的篮球赛让我感到很兴奋。这种情况就不可以用excited on  因为球赛还没开始呢。
I was exicited on the basketball yesterday.昨天的篮球赛让我很兴奋.

一个很大的共同点就是at和on都是是介词 所以这两个短语的后面都只能加 名词或 动名词。

    Be excited about 对...感到兴奋,激动
    Why should we be excited about the 2008 Olympics/the 2010 World Cup?
    I was excited about a job interview. 我对那个面试老激动了,当时.

    2.Be excited by 被...;
    People were excited by discovery of fifth planet. 人们被第5大行星的发现激动着.

    3.Be excited for 因为...而激动,兴奋
    I was excited for him. 我为他激动.
    We are excited for 3D Developments. 为3D的发展而激动.

    4.Be excited at..主要指地点,场景,位置.
    Foreigners got excited at Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony. 老外在北京奥开幕式中老激动了.

    微妙的不同: between about and by
    I was excited about the possibilities that...我对这些(有关..的)可能性激动着.I was excited by the possibilities that...我被这些(有关..的)可能性被刺激了一下.

    I was excited about the news.得知这消息我真是太激动了.
    I was excited by the news.我被这消息激动了一下.

如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!
