
1、put away pick out put down pick up四个词组是什么意思?怎么使用?请举例?
2、the local people are now in charge of hongkong,which was once in the charge of the british for one and a half century.
steve has a lot of work to in the office

put away:收起来,储存.People put away their tools after work.人们在劳作结束后收好工具.
pick out:挑选出/辨别出.I picked out the best ones.我挑出了最好的那些.He'll be easy to be picked out by his red hat.他很容易就会凭着他的红帽子被认出来的.
put down:放下/写下/贬低.Put down a message.记录一条信息.Put down your gun!放下你的枪!Don't always put down your students.不要总是贬低你的学生.
pick up:拿起/收拾/习得.Can you pick up that for me?你可以帮我捡一下那个吗?I picked up some skills last month.我上个月学到了一些技术.

steve has a lot of work to in the office这句话有问题.第一:steve是人的名字,应该首字母大写.第二:a lot of work to后面应该有动词,如do.所以句子修改为:
Steve has a lot of work to do in the office.意思:斯蒂夫在办公室里有很多工作要做.

楼上的不对,后面的翻译是翻译工具翻出来的= =||
第1个回答  2009-01-25
put away
put away[简明英汉词典]
1 收起来, 放好 2 储存 3 打消, 放弃, 抛弃

例:He asked me to put away such foolish ideas.

pick out
pick out[简明英汉词典]
1 取出, 去掉 2 挑选, 选择; 选拔 3 分辨出 4 了解; 领会 5 衬托, 点缀, 使明显 6 凭听觉〔记忆〕奏出

例:pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives

put down
put down[简明英汉词典]
1 放下 2 平定, 镇压, 取缔 3 记下, 写下 4 估计, 认为 5 归于

例:You should put down every word she says.

pick up
pick up[简明英汉词典]
1 拾起, 捡起; 抬起 2 安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救 3 爬〔站〕起来; 振作起来 4 使增加〔加快〕 5 收拾东西〔屋子〕 6 掘, 挖 7 染上 8 捉住, 逮住 9 好转; 恢复

例:Pick yourself up!

the local people are now in charge of hongkong,which was once in the charge of the british for one and a half century.
steve has a lot of work to in the office

