

  初二复习资料(重要词组和句型) -|海边人家 发表于 2006-1-12 8:30:00

  准时 on time 欢迎返校。 Welcome back to school.

  教师节快乐!Happy Teachers’Day! 没关系。It does not matter.

  过得快活 have fun 我没有主意。I have no idea.

  做一次演讲 give a talk 例如 for example 姓 family name

  名字 given name ……的简称 be short for …

  为某人制作某物 make sth. for sb./ make sb. Sth.

  给某人买某物 buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. Sth.

  不再…… not…any more 浪费时间 a waste of time

  去野外旅行 have/go on a field trip 去远足 go hiking

  去野餐 have/go on a picnic 后天 the day after tomorrow

  前天 the day before yesterday 山顶 the top of a mountain

  被……绊倒 trip over 赶快 hurry up 我同意 I agree

  系好我的鞋带 tie my shoes 走错路 go the wrong way

  昨晚 last night 下星期 next week 相聚 get together

  在中秋节 on Mid-autumn Festival/Day 顺便拜访 come over

  在一年的这个时候 at this time of year 在户外 in the open air

  尝起来有点像 taste a little like… 晚安 good night

  昨天早上/下午/傍晚 yesterday morning/afternoon/evening

  你要再来一块吗?Would you like another one?

  我可以尝一下吗?May I have a taste? 晚上好 good evening

  明晚你有空吗?Are you free tomorrow evening?

  喂养动物 feed the animals 同意……的意见 agree with…

  种水稻/小麦 grow rice/wheat 呆在笼子里 stay in cages

  在春/夏/秋/冬季 in spring/summer/autumn/winter

  住在农场上 live on the farm 上大学 go to college

  住在一幢大楼里 live in a tall building 不得不 have to

  住在十九层 live on the nineteenth floor

  所有之中最多的 the most of all 学校毕业 leave school

  每一块地 each field 一场海豚表演 a dolphin show

  我可以找……听电话吗?May/Could I speak to …,please?

  有什么事吗?What’s up ? / What’s the matter?

  没什么事。Nothing much. 动物玩具 toy animals

  在农村/城镇/城市 in the country / town / city

  让我们讨论一下。Let’s discuss it.

  让我们把时间定在…… Let’s make it…(时间前不加at)

  哪一个你比较/最喜欢?Which (one) do you like better/best?

  带某人/物去某地take sb./sth. to …(home,there,here不加to)

  将某人/某物带来 bring sb./sth. 有空/自由的 be free

  为……感到难过 feel sorry for 对……有益 be good for

  在山林里 in forests and mountains 跌入……里 fall into…

  去看电影 go to the cinema 离……很远 far from…

  在……的背上/背面 on the back of 遥远的 far away

  你认为怎么样? What do you think? 请求/询问 ask for

  学习第一。Work must come first. 上上下下 up and down

  仍然很感谢你。Thank you all the same.

  最好(不要)做某事 had better do sth/had better not do sth

  It is(not) better to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell sb to do

  在……的前面(整个物体的前面) in front of

  在……的前面(物体空间里面的前面) in(at) the front of

  在左边/右边 on the left/right 笑着说 say with a laugh/smile

  在这个时候(现在) at the moment/at this time/right now

  把……从一个传递到另一个 pass…from one to another

  到……里面去/从……出来 get into…/get out of…

  一点儿早/晚 a little early/late 上来 come up

  在…与…之间的不同 the difference between … and …

  Jim Allan Green 王 小明

  (first name)(middle name)(family name)(family…)(given…)

  ( given names )( last name )

  姓名的意义 the meaning of a name 南瓜饼 a pumpkin pie

  你打算做什么(加未来的时间)?What are you going to do …?


  They have some problems getting there.

  我们一边远足一边吃时新水果会有许多乐趣。We are going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit.

  你愿意……吗?Would you like to do sth ?

  里面有甜点的小园饼 small round cakes with something sweet

  inside. 三者/所有之中最好的 the best of the three/of all

  我们都有一个秋天的节日。We each have an autumn festival.

  我很高兴你能来。I am very glad you can come.

  让我跟你一块走吧。Let me walk with you.

  听到/看到某人/物正在干某事 hear/see sb/sth doing sth.

  直到晚上很晚 until late at night

  想要做某事 want to do sth/would like to do sth.

  在摘玉米之后 after picking corn


  Shall we/I +动词原形 ?OK/All right/Good idea…

  Why not +动词原形?= Why don’t you/we/they…?

  Let’s +动词原形. No,let’s… (否定回答)

  让某人做某事 let sb(宾格) do sth

  这就是……的原因 That is why …….

  观看/注视某人/某物做某事 watch sb/sth do/doing sth


  让我们在一点差一刻出发 Let’s leave at a quarter to one.

  更早一点/早得多 a little earlier/much earlier

  (a little/much可以修饰形容词比较级)

  跟某人打招呼/告别 say hello to sb/say goodbye to sb

  对……很熟悉 know…very well 靠近 next to

  沿着……走 go along/walk along/go down


  Excuse me. Where is the (nearest) …,please?

  Excuse me. Is there a …… near here?

  Excuse me. How can I get to the ……?


  take the 序数词turning on the left/right

  离这里大约有……公里远It is about … kilometer(s) away.


  It is about … meters along on the left/right.

  加拿大/加拿大人 英国/英国人 瑞典/瑞典人

  Canada/Canadian(s) England/Eghlish Sweden/Swedish

  澳大利亚/澳大利亚人 美国/美国人 日本/日本人

  Australia/Australian(s) America/American(s) Japan/Japanese

  喜欢做运动 like doing sports 做同一件事 do the same thing

  喜欢做某事(含有享受欣赏的意思) enjoy doing sth

  乘坐……路车去上班 catch/take the NO. … bus to work

  找到;发现(需费时费力)find out 多伦多市 the city of Toronto

  听到这个(消息)我很难过/遗憾 I am very sorry to hear that.

  将……带到这儿来/带到那儿去 bring sth here/take sth there

  照顾好你自己 look after yourself 保持健康 keep healthy

  昨晚/去年 last night/year 成长;长大 grow up

  上周三/去年二月 last Wednesday/February

  想要做商人/医生/警察/士兵 want to be a businessman/doctor/

  policeman/soldier三天/半小时前 three days/half an hour ago

  从一个地方旅行到另一个地方 travel from one place to another

  同时 at the same time 回到纽约 be back in New York

  多么有趣和令人兴奋啊! How interesting and exciting!

  刚才 just now/a moment ago 顺便说一下 by the way

  在客厅/卧室/书房 in the living room/bedroom/study

  没有反应/回答 there is no reply 使……恢复正常 put…right

  关于……有些问题/毛病 there is something wrong with…

  我的工作是销售电脑。My job is to sell computers.

  吃一点儿早餐 have a light/little breakfast

  分秒必争 every minutes counts 打电话 make telephone calls

  出门 go out/be out在早餐/午餐/晚餐时 at breakfast/lunch/supper(dinner)

  我希望你现在好多了。I hope you are better now.

  开始/着手干某事 start/begin to do/doing sth

  结束/完成干某事 finish doing sth
第1个回答  2006-06-09
第2个回答  2006-06-09