

blue - 蓝色
blew - 吹

aren't - are not 缩写:不是
aunt - 阿姨;姑姑

aunt(美音) - 阿姨;姑姑
ant - 蚂蚁

pair - 一对
pear - 梨

eight - number between 7 and 9, 八
ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

bear - a big, hairy animal
bear - to be able to withstand something
bare - exposed

bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式
bread - a type of food 面包

be - is 主动词 be
bee - an insect 蜜蜂

caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式
cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

fan - a device for moving air 风扇
fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

groan - noise made in misery 呻吟
grown - fully mature 长大的

hart- 雄鹿
heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

herd - a group of animals 牧群
heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

I - me, myself 我
eye - body part we see with 眼睛

made - past tense of make 做的过去式
maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

no - opposite of yes 不
know - be aware of something 知道

roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式
rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排
rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat
through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式
rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰

wring - twist 绞,扭
ring - noise a bell makes 敲钟,打电话

scent - smell 气味
sent - past tense of send 邮寄的过去式

see - to view something
sea - large body of salt water

threw - past tense of throw
through - finished or completed, also, to give direction (Go through the tunnel)

tail - cats and dogs have them 尾巴
tale - a story 故事


week - 7 days
weak - not strong

worn - well used 用旧的,疲倦的
warn - to give notice of potential danger 警告

wood - what we get from trees
would - past tense of will

wore - past tense of wear 穿的过去式
war - what we call it when two countries' armies are fighting

one - a single unit
won - past tense of win

Yule- 圣诞季节

1.ad 广告

add 加,增加


aloud 大声的


band 乐队,乐团

4.bare 赤裸的,光秃的

bear 负荷,承担;熊

5.board 膳食;木板

bored 感到厌烦的

6.brake 刹车

break 打破,分裂;暂停

7.bread 面包


8.cell 细胞,牢房

sell 销售

9.cite 引用,举例

sight 视力,视觉,景象;瞄准

10.dam 堤,水坝

damn 咒骂

11.fair 公平的,正直的

fare 费用,旅客,食物


jeans 牛仔裤

13.heel 踵,足跟

heal 治愈,使康复

14.in 在……之内

inn 小旅馆

15.knot 打结;(绳等的)结,(树的)节

not 不




maid 年轻未婚女子;女仆

18.mail 邮件

male 男人;男性的

19.paste 浆糊


20.root 根;根源

route 路线

21.some 一些

sum 总数

22.sew 缝纫

so 因此;如此

sow 播种

23.sore 疼痛的

soar 翱翔,盘旋,高飞

24.tail 尾

tale 故事

25.waist 腰

waste 浪费,消耗,使荒芜;废料

26.war 战争


27.warn 警告



scent 香气

cent 分
http://school.ecp.com.cn/school25/dx4_0304/ca429 ... 15K )

另外,英语听力中还有一些所谓发音相似的单词,我们通常称其为Sound-like Words,这样的单词可以说不胜枚举,而且没有人可以将它们统统列出来,因为不同的学习者听到一个单词可能联想出若干相似发音的单词,这里也给大家起个头,然后大家继续补充下去。有一个好的方法,就是大家多做听写练习,如果听到哪个单词自己写的和正确答案不同,就把这两个单词记在自己的小笔记本上,大声的朗读出来,比较它们的不同,经过一定量的训练后相信同学们一定会有很大的提高。

Right-- write-- white
Writing-- riding
Luck-- lock
Isn’t-- is an-- is in
Emergency brake-- break
Neater-- neither
Have to hear-- have to be here
You bet-- You’d better

