

第1个回答  2023-02-08

让我想想的英文有:Let me see;Let me think;Let me think about it。

Let me see造句:

1、Let me see,sorry,mr. chen is talking on another phone just now,he will be with you in a minute,hold on please。here he is now。让我想想,对不起,陈先生正在接电话,过一会儿他就可以和你谈话了,请别放下电话。他来了。

Let me think造句:

1、Let me think it over。I prefer the lovely buddha and the beautiful flower vase to all the others , mr. li。让我再想一想。李先生,在所有漆器中我比较喜欢那个可爱的佛像和美丽的花瓶。

Let me think about it造句:

1、Let me think about it。I ' ll let you know when you find out。让我考虑一下,具体怎么办我会通知你。
