英文 as below / as follows 用法与中文意思!用英文表达「如下…」


第1个回答  2022-10-07

英文 as below / as follows 的中文意思 都有「如下」的意思。你可能会在很多email 书信里面看到as below / as follows。本篇文章要教学as below / as follows应该怎么用,以及as below / as follows所表达的意思。

下面教学as below / as follows 的英文用法与中文意思。

1.as … below 如下…

英文 as below 的用法,通常是 as …below,也就是as 跟 below 中间还有一串英文字。

例: as shown below 如下所示。

例: as described below 如下所描述。

请注意,as … below 常常会被误用为as … belows,不能加这个s唷。要用 as … below 才是正确的用法。

下面再列出一些完整的as … below用法与句子。

例: Check the DNS settings on the target puter as described below. 如下所述检查目标计算机上的DNS设置。

例: Please check the phone number as described below. 请按照以下说明检查电话号码。

常见的as … below 的句子说法,大致上有以下。

例: as shown below 如下所示 as described below 如下所描述 as discussed below 如下所讨论 as defined below 如下所定义 as listed below 如下所列 as indicated below 如下所指 as noted below 如下所标示 as outlined below 如下所列 as explained below 如下说明 as given below 如下所给 as specified below 如下所指 as illustrated below 如下所说 as provided below 如下所提供 as stated below 如下所述 as seen below 如下所见 as mentioned below 如下所提及

2.as follows 如下

至于英文片语as follows ,则跟as … below 不一样,as 跟 follows 中间不需要多一个英文字。而且as follows 里的follow 是需要加上s的,「as follow」 是不正确的喔。

例: The winners are as follows – Jenny, Jack, and Wayne. 获胜者如下:珍妮,杰克和伟恩。

例: The minimum size standards are as Follows: 700×900, 600×700, 1200x 800. 最小尺寸标准如下:700×900、600×700、1200x 800。

as follows 前面最常跟are 或是 is 连用喔。当然,也可以跟其他动词连用。

上面就是英文 as below / as follows 的用法教学啦!简单的说,as below 中间通常还有一串英文字,所以会是as …below的句型,而as follows 则直接出现在句尾,然后后面再接所列的事物。

as below, as below 中文, as below 意思, as below 用法, as follows, as follows 中文, as follows 意思, as follows 用法, 如下 英文
