



1.She celebrated her thirteenth birthday with a big party.她以盛大的派对庆祝她的十三岁生日。

2.The thirteenth floor of the building is said to be haunted.据说这座建筑的第十三层有鬼。

3.He was the thirteenth person in line to buy tickets for the concert.他是队伍中排在第十三位购买音乐会门票的人。

4.The thirteenth chapter of the book is particularly gripping.这本书的第十三章格外引人入胜。

5.On the thirteenth day of the lunar month, there is a traditional festival.农历月份的第十三天是一个传统节日。

6.She finished thirteenth in the race, just missing out on a medal.她在比赛中获得了第十三名,仅仅错过了一枚奖牌。

7.The thirteenth amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery in the United States.美国宪法的第十三修正案废除了奴隶制度。

8.He turned thirteen last week and is now officially a teenager.他上周过了十三岁生日,现在正式成为一个青少年。

9.The baker's dozen is thirteen, not twelve, to make sure customers get a little extra.糕点师傅的一打是十三个,而不是十二个,以确保顾客得到一点额外的东西。

10.The thirteenth century was a time of great cultural and intellectual development in Europe.十三世纪是欧洲文化和知识发展的重要时期。
