



With the development of interior spacial design, man's brilliance and value has been inspired as well as the creative thinking of architect. Artists, writers, historians, philosophers and even scientists could experience and learn something from interior spacial design. However, with its two-dimentional development, cultural meaning has been ignored, thus resulting in some chaotic designs. The current housing designs have resulted in both traditional and modern designs. The new cultural design is definitely not taking one or two symbols from traditional cultural and use it without change. The new cultural style needs to blossom in its era, and thus needs to be fast, more scientific in approaches and reflect the reality better than before. Can we find a new "topic" that could represent it? Objectives, too much restriction would make cultural designs go into shady paths. It should be something that is based on traditional culture. In this new era, the cultural style has, to a certain extent, has become a global culture, and has been defined to some degree. People can watch the modern style interior spacial design as the current globally "in" style is a reflection of traditional culture of the human race. Currently, desiners all around the globe are creating their local looks based on local development speed and cultural basis. This local look is to a certain extent, a globally in style, reaching every corner of the world. Every spacial designer reacts differently to it, as the designer him or her self is his or her own measuring scale.

