复合句中的not only but also

I bought the book because not only it is beautiful but also I need it
第一 为啥后面的那个not only 后不用倒装
第二 because 能 放在 not only 后面吗
He can not only do it but also do it well
can 为什么要放在前面

还有一个就是在英语中几个句子并列放在一起时。。关于省略引导词 (什么时候能省什么时候不能省)麻烦大家给说一下

1.not only, but also 是固定句型 不但。。而且,跟陈述语序即可
2.如果because放在 not only 之后,完整的句子应该是I bought the book not only because it is beautiful,but also because I need it.
3.can 可以放在后面,完整句型是 He not only can do it, but also can do it well.
需要注意,not only... but also... 后面跟的句子要句型一致
如:not only+短语,but also+短语
not only+句子, but also+句子
第1个回答  2010-12-12
1.because后面的 not only it is beautiful but also I need it 是个宾语从句,用陈述句序不用倒装
3.He can not only do it but also do it well
本句中.He 是主语, can 是谓语not only do it but also do it well
4.在英语中几个句子并列放在一起时,当从句是宾语从句时,引导词(标准的说法是先行词)可 以省,当从句是定语从句时,必须有引导词(我见过的所有题都是这样的)不可省略
