




4.the Jackson 5和The Jacksons的CD


My friend told me that PP's butt is very cute, so I brought this painting. His love for PP is overwhelming, I cannot compare with his devotion to PP. But I think the cutest part of PP is his round butt, because he is a little child.

Some candies are not easy to buy so I went to many shops to collect all these. The candy boxes are all really pretty, but I don't like eating the candies inside, because I think they are too sweet for me, so everytime I buy them, I will always give the candies to kids next door.

The death of MJ put me down as he was my favorite and most respected artist. I believed that the news about him being a pedophile were all made up all along, those who spread these rumors make me sick. I cannot understand how they can be evil in exchange for profit and hurt a kind and sensitive man non-stop. If I were a superman, I want to beat them up really hard.

I ordered MJ's latest album, even though it is a bit expensive for me, but I believe it is worth it because he gave us a lot, he is a good man, a beautiful angel.

4.the Jackson 5和The Jacksons的CD
The Jackson 5 and The Jacksons' CD

I don't have many CDs of this band because many cannot be found on the market anymore, it is quite a pity. I love their music and dance, they were spectacular! Everyone is really good, especially MJ, his voice is perfect, at least I think it is.


第1个回答  2010-12-08
第2个回答  2010-12-08
1. My friend suddenly said to me PP, cute butt, so I painted this painting. His love for the PP has reached a fever pitch, I can not compared with his enthusiasm. But I also think that the most lovely place PP is his round ass, because he was a child.

2. These are not easy to buy candy, so I ran a lot of stores just to collect these. Candy boxes are beautiful, but inside I do not like to eat candy, because I think they are too sweet, so every time I'd bought the inside next to candy given to children.

3.MJ the CD
MJ's departure makes me extremely uncomfortable, he is my most loved and respected artists. I used to believe things that are fabricated of child molestation, and those who really make me angry, I can not understand their interests would be to become so ugly. Constantly vulnerable to harm a good man, if I were Superman, really want to beat them severely.

I have already booked MJ latest album ~ although for me that some expensive, but I think it was worth it, because he gives us too much, he is a good man, is a beautiful angel.

4.the Jackson 5 and The Jacksons of the CD

I'm on the band's CD is not a lot, because some have been out of print CD, for me this is regrettable. I love their songs and dance, really great! Everyone is so good, especially MJ, his impeccable voice, at least I think so.