

Canada Apologizes to Chinese Forced to Pay Head Tax (迟到一百年的道歉)
2009-09-03 09:38
Report:This was the day that Stephen Harper was expected to apologize to Chinese Canadians for the Chinese head tax. Moment ago the Prime Minister got to his feet in the house.

Harper: I speak , of course of the head tax that was imposed on Chinese immigrants to this country as well as the other restrictive measures that followed. These Chinese immigrants made the difficult decision to leave their families behind in order to pursue opportunities in a country halfway around the world they called Gold mountain Beginning in 1881 over 15,000 of these Chinese pioneers became involved in the most important nation—building enterprise in Canadian history the construction of the Canadian pacific Railway. The conditions ,under which these men worked, were at best harsh and, at times, impossible. Tragically some 1,000 chinese labourers died during the building of the CPR. But, in spite of it all, these Chinese immigrants persevered and, in doing so, helped to ensure the future of this country. But form the moment the railway was completed, Canada turned its back on these men Beginning with the Chinese immigration Act of 1885 a head tax of $50.00 was improsed on Chinese newcomers in an attempt to deter immigration The government of Canada recognizes the stigma of exclusion experienced by the Chinese as a result. We acknowledge the high cost of the head tax meant that many family members were left behind in china, never to be reunited, or that families lived apart, in some cases in extreme poverty for years We also recognize that our failure to truly acknowledge these historical injustices has prevented many in the community from seeing themselves as fully Canadian. On behalf of the people and government of Canada. We offer a full apology Chinese Canadians for the head tax and express our deepest sorrow for the subsequent exclusion of Chinese immigrants Gar nar dai doe heena Mr Speaker this apology is not about liability today is about reconciliation with those who endured hardship and the broader Chinese Canadian community one that continues to make such an invaluable contribution to this great country And, while Canadian courts have ruled that the head tax and immigration prohibition were legally authorized at the time we fully accept the moral responsibility to acknowledge the shameful policies of our past Mr speaker, in closing, let me assure the House that this government will continually strive to ensure that similar unjust practices are never allowed to happen again we have the collective responsibility today to build a country based firmly on the nation of opportunity regardless of one`s race or ethnic origin our deep sorrow sorrow over the racist actions of our past will nurture an unwavering commitment to built a better life for all Canadians Meric beaucoup thank you !


第1个回答  2010-12-18