
talk find out call up argue say 这几个单词造句

I am talking with my friends.我正在和我的朋友谈话. argue with sb.与某人吵架
I thought my homework is terrible but I find out is good.我想我的作业是糟糕的.但我发现是好的.
I called my mother up yesterday.昨天莪给我妈妈打电话.
I argue with my best friend.莪和莪最好的朋友吵架
I should say sorry.我应该说对不起.
第1个回答  2013-12-02
1.I talk to my parents about my idea.
2.Let us find our way to candy store.
3.Pls get out of this room.
4.I call my mother on cellphone.
5.Lets go up to the up stairs.
6.I and my sister are arguing about the homework.
7.Before I go out,my mother say to me to be careful.
第2个回答  2013-12-02
i always talk with my friends
can you find the map?
go out of the room please
i made a call just now
Go up the floor and you'll see the stars
Don't argue with him any more.
I never say"thank you" to him.
第3个回答  2013-12-02
I like talking with my friends.
I can't find out who did this.
I will call up you tonight.
I don't want to argue with you over this matter.
I just want to say I miss you very much.
say 这几个单词造句
第4个回答  2013-12-02
talk:Let's talk about our teacher.
find out :I just find out that my friend.
call up:you should call your teacher up when you is ill.
argue:don't argue with your best friend.
say:You should say "sorry" when you argue with your friend.