英语作文《our school open day》


On Tuesday, we Wen Yuan primary school held a "parents open day" activities.
This day, the whole class parents have come, looking at so many parents, and I both excited and nervous, thinking in the heart: "how to do? How to do? Usually my most didn't love to speak, this time I must overcome their own, do well to see mother!"
上课铃响了,我就浑身紧张,心跳到了嗓子眼上。 老师问大家:“请问这组数字你发现了什么?” 我灵机一动,这不是很简单吗!我勇敢地举起了手,老师请到了我,我轻松自如地回答道:“被除数乘以6,除数不变,商也乘6。” 老师笑眯眯地对我说:“很棒,谁还会说?”经过这一次的举手发言,我那颗悬着的心终于放了下来,马上我又举了第2次、第3 次,原来举手发言也没有那么可怕啊,我真正体会到了数学的奥妙和快乐。
The bell rang, I was nervous, heart to the throat eyes. The teacher asked us: "what is this group of numbers you find?" I suddenly have a brain wave, this is not very easy to do! I bravely raised his hand, the teacher invited me, I easily answered: "dividend multiplied by 6, the dividend unchanged,the quotient multiplied by 6." The teacher smiled and said to me: "good, who can say?" After this time, the hands, my heart hanging heart finally put down, then immediately I cited second times, third times, had to speak is not so terrible, I really appreciate the math. And happy.
This class after class, I asked my mother: "this lesson I have?" The mother smiled and gave me athumbs up. The second lesson is science, I eagerly answered, raised high hand, won the applauseand praise.
By this time the parents open day "activities, my courage is more and more big, more self-confidencein learning.追问

