


1.Everyone can revel in the scenery of the journey, but not everyone can actively face the bleak life. 

No matter whether one goes to Tibet by bike or travels around the world by backpack, these bravery can't be satisfied with plain courage. Do you agree?

2.Life is a wonderful journey, just on the train that never returns. Experience with the new and old people! Maybe this is the fate that a person can't resist. I have him as well as you.

3. I saw many people, heard many stories and saw the travel scenery on my backpack. In this way, I learned to grow up slowly.

4. Miss with a kind of silent sadness, to pursue the flying wings. The fallen leaves calm its drifting direction with the wind. 

Courageously carry the heavy bags and rush to the distance. Since then, I have embarked on a journey, and I may be alone. Don't be afraid, don't give up, break through the barrier of wind and rain, and the dawn is ahead!

5. I want to travel alone, carry simple bags, set foot on the trip, walk through one strange city after another, and feel the beautiful natural scenery, gorgeous ethnic customs and long history and culture. 

Put aside the earthly disturbances, stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, find a quiet place, and enjoy the luxury of traveling without asking people and doing whatever you want.

6. We have been traveling all the time, waiting for someone to become our traveling companion and accompany us through a memory that others can't replace.

7. Dear, if you don't want to accept anyone, be alone for a long time. Maybe you will be lonely, cry, and miss that time, but get used to it. 

You can still be in a daze, use your imagination to write, feel deeply about your life, marvel at the years, and travel alone. Dear, follow your heart, don't let it suffer any more.

8. After walking, I realize that the past is used to recall, happiness is used to feel, and pain is used to grow. Let the heart still be warm and moist when it is prosperous.

9. People should travel. When they are young, they should take advantage of their temper, pretend to be smart.

and have the capital to play personality, leave the city they see with their eyes closed, escape from the disturbances around them, find a place where their hearts are quiet and clean, and make themselves as transparent as crystal.

 Then, they take some photos that are so beautiful that they want to cry, and leave them for the elderly themselves.

10. After going to different places, seeing different scenery, knowing different things and feeling different lives, I found that I miss you so much.












第1个回答  2010-11-28
Lord Kelvin: Well done, Salisbury! I shall name a beef-based entrée after you in your honor.

Steamer Captain: You had me at the nipples.

Phileas Fogg: Here comes Mr. Grumpy... and the Leather-ettes.

Monique La Roche: Where's your proof?
Lord Kelvin: This is the Royal Academy of Science! We don't have to prove anything!

Lord Kelvin: What's this obstruction blocking my jade reserves? This will certainly have to be demolished.
Lord Salisbury: But that is the Great Wall of China sir!
Lord Kelvin: ...It's not that great.

Phileas Fogg: I am a British Citizen, I have nothing to fear!
[Gunshot goes off in background]
Phileas Fogg: ... except bullets.

Lord Kelvin: What's the point in hiring a corrupt inspector when he can't even abuse the Law properly?

Phileas Fogg: This is what happens when you leave home. You meet... people.

San Francisco Hobo: Now, your stink is your most powerful weapon in your begging arsenal.

[Monique, Phileas and Passepartout are disguised as women in India]
Phileas Fogg: I feel faint.
Monique La Roche: Phileas, women are not that weak.
Phileas Fogg: No, but I am.

[Passepartout is fighting while the caged Phileas coaches him]
Phileas Fogg: Watch out to the right!
[Passepartout misses]
Phileas Fogg: No, my right.
[Passepartout is hit]
Passepartout: Stop helping me!

Phileas Fogg: [the Black Scorpion leader threatens him with his bracelet] Your threats do not frighten me, nor does your silly bracelet.
[a blade pops out of the bracelet]
Phileas Fogg: All right, it's not silly.

Phileas Fogg: Well, rules are meant to be broken... or... stabbed with spikey shoes.

Prince Hapi: You two men may leave but Miss La Roche stays here.
Phileas Fogg: Why does she stay?
Prince Hapi: She will be my wife. One of seven.
Monique La Roche: Surprised. You have seven wives?
Prince Hapi: One for every day of the week. Do Tuesdays work for you?

Wilbur Wright: Hey, crazy English cowboy wannabe man! Why don't you go and be crazy someplace else, you're blocking the damn path!

Phileas Fogg: [after drinking toomuch Chinese sake] I am going to be abominably ill.
[running off]

Chained Agent: [angry] Give me the Jade Buddha!
Passepartout: OK.
Passepartout: What is Buddha?

Phileas Fogg: Alms? Alms for the poor?
San Francisco Hobo: Arms? You've already got arms. It's money you need.
Phileas Fogg: Wonderful; I can't even scrounge properly.

Phileas Fogg: Have you seen our companion?
Wilbur Wright: You mean the half-naked Chinese man with a cow skull on his head singing Frère Jacques?

Phileas Fogg: [about Passepartout hitting buildings and statues of Paris while hanging on the rope of the balloon] Very impressive. I'd have let go by now.本回答被提问者采纳