几个常用的检索字段ab au kw ti py pb la ib is的中文含义

几个常用的检索字段ab au kw ti py pb la ib is的中文含义

:ti Title
Use this label to limit search to terms in the article title.
Example: “lung cancer”:ti
:ab Abstract
Use this label to limit to the Abstract field.
Example: cancer:ab
:kw Keywords
Use this label to limit to Keywords. Limit includes MeSH terms but does not allow for MeSH term explosion.
Example: (hearing next aid*):kw
:au Author
Use label to limit a search to the author field.
Example: smith:au
:pt Publication Type
Use this label to limit to Publication Type. Used only in CENTRAL.
Example: journal:pt
:so Source
Use this label to limit to the Title of journal, conference name, report name, etc.
Example: cardiology:so

:doi Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Use this label to limit a search using a DOI. Must search using the entire number.
Example: 10.1002/14651858.CD003137.pub4
:an Accession Number
Use this label to limit a search on text or id numbers found in the Accession Number field in some CENTRAL articles. It will allow users to search based on the source database, Pubmed or Embase, or accession number ID.
(Pubmed):an (Limit to search results to a specific database)

2006328324:an (Search a specific ID number)

(Embase):an NOT (Pubmed):an (Combine with Boolean logic to isolate articles only found in one of the databases)
:tp Cochrane Topic
Use this label to limit a search to a particular Cochrane Topic area. The topic must appear in quotation marks with the exact name from the Browse by Topic list on the Cochrane Library homepage.
"Blood disorders":tp

"Developmental, psychosocial & learning problems":tp

Note: to limit by Cochrane Topic area, we recommend using the Search tab and the field drop-down which provides an auto-complete list of all Cochrane Topics. Results may then be viewed, or the query sent to the Search Manager.
:crg Cochrane Review Group
Use this label to limit a search to a particular Cochrane Review Group (CRG). The CRG must appear in quotation marks with the exact name from the Browse by Cochrane Review Group list accessible from the Cochrane Library homepage