求高人帮助英文翻译王愿坚小说《七根火柴》!!!教小朋友用 急!急!急!急!急!

都是翻译软件的货 求好心高人指点啊

  七根火柴    王愿坚   天亮的时候,雨停了。   草地的气候就是怪,明明是月朗星稀的好天气,忽然一阵冷风吹来,浓云像从平地上冒出来的,霎时把天遮得严严的,接着就有一场暴雨,夹杂着栗子般大的冰雹,不分点地倾泻下来。   卢进勇从树丛里探出头,四下里望了望。整个草地都沉浸在一片迷蒙的雨雾里,看不见人影,听不到人声;被暴雨冲洗过的荒草,像用梳子梳理过似的,光滑地躺倒在烂泥里,连路也看不清了。天,还是阴沉沉的,偶尔有几粒冰雹洒落下来,打在那浑浊的绿色水面上,溅起一撮撮浪花。他苦恼地叹了口气。因为小腿伤口发炎,他掉队了。两天来,他日夜赶路,原想在今天赶上大队的,却又碰上这倒霉的暴雨,耽误了半个晚上。   他咒骂着这鬼天气,从树丛里钻出来,长长地伸了个懒腰,一阵凉风吹得他冷不丁地连打了几个寒颤。他这才发现衣服已经完全湿透了。   “要是有堆火烤烤该多好啊!”他使劲绞着衣服,望着那顺着裤脚流下的水滴想道。他也知道这是妄想——不但现在,就在他掉队的前一天,他们连里已经因为没有引火的东西而只好吃生干粮了。可是他仍然下意识地把手插进裤里。突然,他的手触到了一点粘粘的东西。他心里一喜,连忙蹲下身,把口袋翻过来。果然,在口袋底部粘着一小撮青稞面粉;面粉被雨水一泡,成了稀糊了。他小心地把这些稀糊刮下来,居然有鸡蛋那么大的一团。他吝惜地捏着这块面团,一会儿捏成长形,一会儿又捏成圆的,心里不由得暗自庆幸:“幸亏昨天早晨我没有发现它!”   已经是一昼夜没有吃东西了,这会看见了可吃的东西,更觉得饿得难以忍受。为了不至一口吞下去,他又把面团捏成了长条,正要把它送到嘴边,蓦地听见了一声低低的叫声:   “同志——”   这声音那么微弱,低沉,就像从地底下发出来的。他略略愣了一下,便一瘸一拐地向着那声音走去。   卢进勇蹒跚地跨过两道水沟,来到一棵小树底下,才看清楚那个打招呼的人。他倚着树根半躺在那里,身子底下贮满了一汪浑浊的污水,看来他已经有很长时间没有挪动了。他的脸色更是怕人:被雨打湿了的头发像一块黑毡糊贴在前额上,水,沿着头发、脸颊滴滴答答地流着。眼眶深深地塌陷下去,眼睛无力地闭着,只有腭下的喉结在一上一下的抖动,干裂的嘴唇一张一翕地发出低低的声音:“同志!——同志!——”   听见卢进勇的脚步声,那个同志吃力地张开眼睛,习惯地挣扎了一下,似乎想坐起来,但却没有动得了。   卢进勇看着这情景,眼睛像揉进了什么,一阵酸涩。在掉队的两天里,他这已经是第三次看见战友倒下来了。“这一定是饿坏了!”他想,连忙抢上一步,搂住那个同志的肩膀,把那点青稞面递到那同志的嘴边说:“同志,快吃点吧!”   那同志抬起一双失神的眼睛,呆滞地望了卢进勇一眼,吃力地抬起手推开他的胳膊,嘴唇翕动了好几下,齿缝里挤出了几个字:“不,没……没用了。”   卢进勇手停在半空,一时不知怎么好。他望着那张被寒风冷雨冻得乌青的脸,和那脸上挂着的雨滴,痛苦地想:“要是有一堆火,有一杯热水,也许他能活下去!”他抬起头,望望那雾蒙蒙的远处,随即拉住那同志的手腕说:“走,我扶你走吧!”   那同志闭着眼睛摇了摇头,没有回答,看来是在积攒着浑身的力量。好大一会,他忽然睁开了眼,右手指着自己的左腋窝,急急地说:“这……这里!”   卢进勇惶惑地把手插进那湿漉漉的衣服。这一刹那间,他觉得同志的胸口和衣服一样冰冷了。在那人腋窝里,他摸出了一个硬硬的纸包,递到那个同志的手里。   那同志一只手抖抖索索地打开了纸包,那是一个党证;揭开党证,里面并排着一小堆火柴。焦干的火柴。红红的火柴头簇集在一起,正压在那朱红的印章中心,像一簇火焰在跳。   “同志,你看着……”那同志向卢进勇招招手,等他凑近了,便伸开一个僵直的手指,小心翼翼地一根根拨弄着火柴,口里小声数着:“—,二,三,四……”   一共有七根火柴,他却数了很长时间。数完了,又询问地向卢进勇望了一眼,意思好像说:“看明白了?”   “是,看明白了!”卢进勇高兴地点点头,心想:“这下子可好办了!”他仿佛看见了一个通红的火堆,他正抱着这个同志偎依在火旁……   就在这一瞬间,他发现那个同志的脸色好像舒展开来,眼睛里那死灰般的颜色忽然不见了,爆发着一种喜悦的光。只见他合起党证,双手捧起了它,像擎着一只贮满水的碗一样,小心地放进卢进勇的手里,紧紧地把它连手握在一起,两眼直直地盯着他的脸。   “记住,这,这是,大家的!”他蓦地抽回手去,深深地吸了一口气,用尽所有的力气举起来,直指着正北方向:“好,好同志……你……你把它带给……”   话就在这里停住了。卢进勇觉得臂弯猛然沉了下去!他的眼睛模糊了。远处的树、近处的草,那湿漉漉的衣服、那双紧闭的眼睛……一切都像整个草地一样,雾蒙蒙的,只有那只手是清晰的,它高高地擎着,像一只路标,笔直地指向长征部队前进的方向……   这以后的路,卢进勇走得特别快。天黑的时候,他追上了后卫部队。 在无边的暗夜里,一簇簇的篝火烧起来了。在风雨、在烂泥里跌滚了几天的战士们,围着这熊熊的野火谈笑着,湿透的衣服上冒着一层雾气,洋瓷碗里的野菜“咝——咝”地响着…… 卢进勇悄悄走到后卫连指导员的身边。映着那闪闪跳动的火光,他用颤抖的手指打开了那个党证,把其余六根火柴一根根递到指导员的手里,同时,又以一种异样的声调在数着:   “一,二,三,四……”
  (引导学生看第9段:从无名战士的姿态、脸色、头发、眼睛、嘴唇等方面对无名战士作了细致的描绘。说明无名战士经过风雨冰雹的摧残、饥饿的袭击,再也没有力气前进了,已经到了垂危的地步,为下文写无名英雄临终前献火柴做铺垫。)   小说的情节轮廓是:卢进勇渴望火,无名战士需要火——生命垂危却不用火柴,交出火柴——火柴发挥了巨大作用。可见故事情节是围绕这取火之物——火柴来安排的。它是把小说各部分串联组织起来的,贯穿全篇的一条线;火柴是最能表达中心思想的事物。
  《七根火柴》这个题目是一个偏正结构的短语。“火柴”前面加上“七根”这样精确数字进行限定,给读者以非同寻常的感觉,因此而造成悬念。标题既揭示了小说的内容,又提供了故事情节设置与展开的线索。同时,它又是人物形象刻画,人物品质展现的依托。读完小说,“七根火柴”给人留下了不可磨灭的印象。 作者说:“它是从我的见闻和感受里来的。在战争中,我多次看见过这样一个战士的手啊。握着枪的,攥着担架杆的,拉着战友的,抚摸在同志额角上的……”如今,我已经不能确切地说出,在我握着笔写《七根火柴》的时候,到底是想起了记忆中的哪一件事、哪一只手。但是,在这短短的两千字里,确实凝结了我在战争中直接获得的生活体验:关于人,关于人的手和心灵,关于战争中人和人的关系,以及战士的忠诚。就连一个细节、一点感受、一星思绪,也得从真切体验里得到。 这段话告诉我们,标题是生活真实的高度概括,是作者切身体验的艺术再现,它所要表现的是“人”,“人的心灵”。因此,标题有着深刻的内涵。“七根火柴”体现无名战士无私奉献的精神和革命事业的无限忠诚 。
  以“七根火柴”为线索来划分段落层次: 第一部分开头(1-8段):对火柴的渴望。   第二部分发展、高潮(9-22段):献火柴的感人情景。   第三部分结尾(23-26段):火柴发挥了作用。
  这篇小说有关“火”的文字多次出现且贯穿始终。第一次出现是描写卢进勇暴雨下追赶部队,又冻又饿,渴望有火的情形。第二次出现则强调部队断火三天,卢进勇希望落空。两次描写,火的重要性已经显而易见。这时,卢进勇遇到无名战士,面对饥寒交加,生命危在旦夕的战友,卢进勇自然而然又生出对火的渴望。“火”的重要性再一次被强调。而这一次他居然见到了火柴——无名战士不惜用生命来保存的火柴。文章至此之后,“火”的字眼接二连三地出现,并随着主题的升华、情节的发展而变为簇簇火焰,熊熊篝火。“火”在实质上已经成为无名战士的精神的形象写照。小说最后描写“在无边的暗夜里,一簇簇篝火烧起来了”,“在闪闪跳动的火光下”,卢进勇转交无名战士保存下的六根火柴。这个场面进一步揭示了火柴的作用、无名战士的崇高品德。小说就是这样以“火”为线索安排情节,环环相扣集中笔力塑造形象、表现主题的。   文章关于火柴(火)进行描写,其文章线索为:需火柴(缺火柴和想火柴两部分)→指火柴(表示   急切心情)→看火柴(与阴冷的环境,湿透的衣服形成对照,把火柴同党联系在一起,表示连对党的一片赤诚)→数火柴(清除的交代,认真的态度,庄重的神情)→交火柴(交代后的无比欣慰,郑重的托付,殷切的期望)→送火柴→用火柴→数火柴。
  这篇小说用最经济的笔墨神形毕肖地塑造了一个宁愿牺牲生命为革命保存火种,不愿为保全自己生命而耗用火柴的无名战士的形象,其独到之处在于运用了映衬手法。 小说的主人公是无名战士,但作者在他身上却是惜墨如金;相反,对于另一位次要人物卢进勇的描写却是浓墨重彩,不惜笔力。小说从一开始介绍人物活动的自然环境,用的就是卢进勇的眼光、卢进勇的感受;进而主人公的出场是由卢进勇的听觉引出,主人公的神貌是通过卢进勇的观察感觉到。与此同时,作者还用卢进勇的心理活动来衬托主人公的精神品格。卢进勇发现生命垂危的无名战士,凭直觉感到“他一定饿坏了”“要是有一杯热水,也许他能活下去”。而这时他却推开卢进勇给他送到唇边的青稞面,拒绝卢进勇扶他前行,用尽力气掏出珍藏的党证和七根火柴,郑重嘱托卢进勇转交给部队。寥寥几笔,无名战士的形象赫然而立,其精神品格突现出灿烂的光彩。在描写无名战士的过程中,作者舍弃了许多次要场面(无名战士如何掉队,如何得到并保存火柴,如何度过这几天的草地生活……),紧紧抓住他向战友转交火柴的一瞬,抓住人物震撼人心的一连串语言和动作,抓住无名战士如何对待火柴的态度,烘托出人物整个内心世界的崇高与美。而小说最后,又以卢进勇郑重地转交无名战士保存下的火柴,“无边的暗夜里,一簇簇篝火烧起来了”结束,更是衬托无名战士用生命保存火柴的非凡意义。所以说,小说作者虽寥寥数笔描写主人公形象,但主人公的英雄性格却得到了最充分地展现。
  叙事作品具有两个基本要素,即故事和叙述者。故事与叙述者之间的关系,就是叙述视角。采用第一人称叙述视角,则叙述者存在于虚构的小说世界中,成为其中的一个人物,人物的世界与叙述者世界完全统一。第三人称叙述视角则有两种情形:一种是作者叙述视角,即叙述者外在于人物的世界,叙述者的世界成为与小说人物世界不同的世界。另一种是人物叙述视角,叙述者由一个反映者所取代,此反映者为小说中的一个人物,他感受、观察、思考,但却不像一个叙述者那样对读者讲话。读者是通过反映者个性的眼光来看待小说中其他人物、事件的。 从表面上看,这篇小说采用的是一个第三者的全知视角而非第一人称视角。然而作为故事发展见证人的卢进勇,实际上是起到了第一人称“我”的作用。作品时时刻刻用卢进勇的眼光来观察一切、感受一切,并从卢进勇的角度来描写发生的一切,如此一来,卢进勇便如同第一人称的“我”一样可直接描绘一切,且令人觉得真实可信。另一方面,卢进勇这一角色又具有第三人称叙述视角的“全知性”与“自由性”,这又使得小说在创作时伸缩性更大,情节结构更加完整。同时,作为主人公的映衬,有了卢进勇,无名战士的形象更加鲜明、突出。
第1个回答  2011-07-28
At daybreak the rain has stopped.
The climate of the grass is strange, clearly is a month lang star sparse of good weather, suddenly a cold wind blow, thick clouds from the ground like the come out to come of, for the day has hidden from, then have a rain storm, mingled with the chestnuts as large as the hail, not to the point pouring down.
From the bushes LuJinYong poked his head, glanced at looks. The grass is immersed in a misty rain fog, see figure, can not hear voices; Be heavy rains to rinse off, like creeping combed with the comb over like, smooth land lying in the mud, even the way also can't see. Day, or gray and occasionally have a few grains of hail on down, hit in the murky waters of the green water, splashing a pinch pinch the waves. He noted with sighed. Because of leg wound inflammation, he left behind. Two days to come down, day and night, he meant to catch up with the mass of today, the but again meet with this unlucky torrential rains, delayed for half an evening.
He cursed the weather, from the bushes drill out, long stretches, a cool wind he suddenly even made some chills. He then find clothing has completely wet through.
"If a fire minute to thaw out in front of this much good!" He tried to wring the clothes, looked at the bottom of the water flowing down the thought. He also knows that this is delusion-not only now, as he left behind of the day before they LianLi has not getting things because had to eat solid food born....... But he still subconsciously put his hand into the shorts. Suddenly, his hand touched a little sticky stuff. He felt a pleased, hurriedly down the body, pocket inside out. Really, in the pocket sticky bottom a naked barley flour; Flour is a bubble, a rare rain burning. He carefully put these rare paste and sent it is incredibly eggs so big of a group. He save to hold a this dough, for a while, and then knead growth form molded into round, the in the mind can't help inwardly rejoice: "thanks I didn't find it yesterday morning!"
Day and night is already a didn't eat, it will see can eat, the more feel hungry hard to bear. In order to not be a swallow, and he made the dough became a strip, was about to take knead it to her mouth, suddenly heard a loud cry: low "Comrade--
This sounds so weak, low, as issued by the out from underground. He briefly taken back, then limped toward the sound to walk.
LuJinYong hobbled across the two way to ditch, came to a small tree, only to see clear under the say "hello". He leaned on roots and a half lay there, under full body lay a wang murky waters of the sewage, it seems that he has been a long time no move. His face is shy of people: the rain wet hair like a piece of black felt paste stick in the forehead, cheeks, hair, water along the drip-drip-drip to flow. Deeply collapse down, eyes eyes closed in a weak, only the laryngeal tuberculosis in a gum on the shaking, chapped lips a playing out in a low voice: "comrade!---" comrade!
LuJinYong heard footsteps, the comrade, laboriously open eyes, habits and struggling for a moment, seem to want to sit up, but he did not move to get.
LuJinYong looked at the scene, and rub it into the eyes like what, a sour se. Left behind in the two days it was the third time he has seen comrades falling down. "This must be hungry!" He wanted to, immediately grabbed on step, put his arm around the shoulders of the comrade, put the point barley handed to the face of comrade said: "comrade, mouth to eat fast!"
The lift a pair of absence of comrade eyes glazed, looked at the LuJinYong, laboriously up the hand pushed his arm, and your lips XiDong several, tooth seam in extrusion a few word: "no, no... useless."
LuJinYong hand in half empty, a temporary stop don't know how good. He looked at the piece was cold wind cold WuQing face, and the face of the hanging rain pain to: "if there is a fire, have a cup of hot water, maybe he'll live!" He raised his head and looked that the foggy distance, then took the comrade's wrist said: "go, I helped you go!"
The comrades with eyes closed and shook his head, no answer, and it seems to be in the power of the save all over. A, he suddenly opened his eyes, the right hand pointing to his left armpit, guides ground to say: "this...... here!"
LuJinYong to put his hand into the trepidation that wet clothing. This a moment, he thought the chest and comrade clothes like the cold. In the man, he touched the armpit out a stiff paper, handed to the comrade's hand. The comrades a hand shook cable to open the paper, that is a DangZheng; DangZheng opened, a small pile of matches in side by side. Parched matches. Red head clustered close together, match the positive pressure in the scarlet seal center, like a bunch of flame in the jump.
"Comrade, you look at......" The comrades to LuJinYong recruit waved, until he saw, and open a rigidity fingers, carefully fiddled with matches, the mouth one small voice: "number-two, three, four......"
A total of seven match, but he number for a long time. Several was finished and asked to LuJinYong a look, it seemed to say: "see what?"
"Is, look understand!" LuJinYong happy nodded, thought: "it is good to do anymore!" He thought he saw a very red fire, he is holding the comrade brushed by fire...
In this moment, he found the comrades face like stretches from the cult of the eyes, the color suddenly disappeared, and the outbreak of a joy of light. See he closed the DangZheng, both hands holding up it, like the one holding the full of water bowl, as carefully placed in the hand of the LuJinYong tightly and hold it even together, gazing straight at his face.
"Remember, this, this is, everybody!!!!!" He suddenly take your hand, breathed deeply, with all strength up to the north, directly to the direction: "good, good comrade... you...... you brought it to......"
It stopped here. LuJinYong arms feel suddenly sank!!!!! His eyes blurred. In the distance, the grass, trees near the wet clothes, and those of the closed eyes...... All as the grass, the foggy, as only the hand is clear, it was like a holding signs, straight points to the long march troops direction...
After that, the way the rear-guard before quickly. In the dark he caught up with the defender forces. In the boundless in the night, the beach bonfire is burning. In the wind and rain, in mud rolled down a few days of the soldiers, flaming and wildfires around this, wet clothes at a layer of the fog, the yankees in profits in the potherb of hissing, hissing rang...... LuJinYong silently walk to defender of the instructor's side even. Reflecting the glittering light of the beat, he trembling fingers open the DangZheng, six matches the one handed to the hand of the instructor, and at the same time, again with a feeling of tone in number:"One, two, three, four......"
第2个回答  2011-07-29
Seven match may establish king day came, the rain has stopped. The climate of the grass is strange, clearly is a month lang star sparse of good weather, suddenly a cold wind blow, thick clouds from the ground like the come out to come of, for the day has hidden from, then have a rain storm, mingled with the chestnuts as large as the hail, not to the point pouring down. From the bushes LuJinYong poked his head, glanced at looks. The grass is immersed in a misty rain fog, see figure, can not hear voices; Be heavy rains to rinse off, like creeping combed with the comb over like, smooth land lying in the mud, even the way also can't see. Day, or gray and occasionally have a few grains of hail on down, hit in the murky waters of the green water, splashing a pinch pinch the waves. He noted with sighed. Because of leg wound inflammation, he left behind. Two days to come down, day and night, he meant to catch up with the mass of today, the but again meet with this unlucky torrential rains, delayed for half an evening. He cursed the weather, from the bushes drill out, long stretches, a cool wind he suddenly even made some chills. He then find clothing has completely wet through. "If a fire minute to thaw out in front of this much good!" He tried to wring the clothes, looked at the bottom of the water flowing down the thought. He also knows that this is delusion-not only now, as he left behind of the day before they LianLi has not getting things because had to eat solid food born....... But he still subconsciously put his hand into the shorts. Suddenly, his hand touched a little sticky stuff. He felt a pleased, hurriedly down the body, pocket inside out. Really, in the pocket sticky bottom a naked barley flour; Flour is a bubble, a rare rain burning. He carefully put these rare paste and sent it is incredibly eggs so big of a group. He save to hold a this dough, for a while, and then knead growth form molded into round, the in the mind can't help inwardly rejoice: "thanks I didn't find it yesterday morning!" Day and night is already a didn't eat, it will see can eat, the more feel hungry hard to bear. In order to not be a swallow, and he made the dough became a strip, was about to take knead it to her mouth, suddenly heard a loud cry: "comrade low-" this voice so weak, low, as issued by the out from underground. He briefly taken back, then limped toward the sound to walk. LuJinYong hobbled across the two way to ditch, came to a small tree, only to see clear under the say "hello". He leaned on roots and a half lay there, under full body lay a wang murky waters of the sewage, it seems that he has been a long time no move. His face is shy of people: the rain wet hair like a piece of black felt paste stick in the forehead, cheeks, hair, water along the drip-drip-drip to flow. Deeply collapse down, eyes eyes closed in a weak, only the laryngeal tuberculosis in a gum on the shaking, chapped lips a playing out in a low voice: "comrade!!!!!!!!!!-" heard comrade-LuJinYong footsteps, the comrade, laboriously open eyes, habits and struggling for a moment, seem to want to sit up, but he did not move to get. LuJinYong looked at the scene, and rub it into the eyes like what, a sour se. Left behind in the two days it was the third time he has seen comrades falling down. "This must be hungry!" He wanted to, immediately grabbed on step, put his arm around the shoulders of the comrade, put the point barley handed to the face of comrade said: "comrade, mouth to eat fast!" The lift a pair of absence of comrade eyes glazed, looked at the LuJinYong, laboriously up the hand pushed his arm, and your lips XiDong several, tooth seam in extrusion a few word: "no, no... useless." LuJinYong hand in half empty, a temporary stop don't know how good. He looked at the piece was cold wind cold WuQing face, and the face of the hanging rain pain to: "if there is a fire, have a cup of hot water, maybe he'll live!" He raised his head and looked that the foggy distance, then took the comrade's wrist said: "go, I helped you go!" The comrades with eyes closed and shook his head, no answer, and it seems to be in the power of the save all over. A, he suddenly opened his eyes, the right hand pointing to his left armpit, guides ground to say: "this...... here!" LuJinYong to put his hand into the trepidation that wet clothing. This a moment, he thought the chest and comrade clothes like the cold. In the man, he touched the armpit out a stiff paper, handed to the comrade's hand. The comrades a hand shook cable to open the paper, that is a DangZheng; DangZheng opened, a small pile of matches in side by side. Parched matches. Red head clustered close together, match the positive pressure in the scarlet seal center, like a bunch of flame in the jump. "Comrade, you look at......" The comrades to LuJinYong recruit waved, until he saw, and open a rigidity fingers, carefully fiddled with matches, the mouth one small voice: "number-two, three, four......" A total of seven match, but he number for a long time. Several was finished and asked to LuJinYong a look, it seemed to say: "see what?" "Is, look understand!" LuJinYong happy nodded, thought: "it is good to do anymore!" He thought he saw a very red fire, he is holding the comrade brushed by fire... In this moment, he found the comrades face like stretches from the cult of the eyes, the color suddenly disappeared, and the outbreak of a joy of light. See he closed the DangZheng, both hands holding up it, like the one holding the full of water bowl, as carefully placed in the hand of the LuJinYong tightly and hold it even together, gazing straight at his face. "Remember, this, this is, everybody!!!!!" He suddenly take your hand, breathed deeply, with all strength up to the north, directly to the direction: "good, good comrade... you...... you brought it to......" It stopped here. LuJinYong arms feel suddenly sank!!!!! His eyes blurred. In the distance, the grass, trees near the wet clothes, and those of the closed eyes...... All as the grass, the foggy, as only the hand is clear, it was like a holding signs, straight points to the long march troops direction... After this way