英语作文 内容是我演讲的一次经历体会之类的

然后让你写一篇你对于那次演讲的回忆啦 感受啦 经历啦
拜托了 符合的另给20

中学生英语作文4.What Scares Me Most 我最害怕的事物

I like to think of mysels as a brave person,but I have to admit that there are some things that scare me.Others have often laughed at my irrational fears and called me silly.Although I know that there is little chance that these things will harm me,I would still rather not face them.

There are four things in particular that give me the creeps.First,there are ghosts.I've never seen a real ghost,but I know they could be anywhere.In fact,one could be watching me right now.Second,I think vampires are frightening.Their pointy teech and bloodthirsty ways give me the chills.Third,aliens are scary because we don't know if they are our friends or not.Finally,I'm terrified of snakes.Whether they're big or small,I don't want them near me.

Of my greatest fears,I've had to face only one of them,and that was a snake I saw in the zoo.Maybe the rest of them don't even exist,but they scare me all the same.

中文翻译 我最害怕的事物


