

my friend

Small D, let I to friends and there were further understanding friend is not only a heart to heart was like peas and carrots has no words don't talk about the more important is to be able to help each other, encourage each other, make progress together

A friend is like the darkness of a light, light you lost future friends like a bunch of warm in the winter sun, bring you light and warm

Have a meal importance or friends important!!!!! Small D often in my ears ring, constantly remind me, my good friend to treat each other sincerely, we are friends, have always are best friends




吃饭重要或朋友重要的! ! ! ! !小D通常在我耳朵嗡嗡作响,时刻提醒我,我的好朋友要以诚相待,我们是朋友,一直是最好的朋友
第1个回答  2011-07-26
Friendship is the gift to the man kind. It is a magic when different people walk into your life and become your friends. We feel the pleasure from our friendship. Where there is friendship then there will not be any sorrow. Do you believe that the life is rotating smoothly because of the friendly hearts in the world? Friendship will take care of this entire world from difficulties. It crosses boundaries and shares a mutual bonding of love. Why not take a moment or two and thank someone today for being a friend to you?

Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. Friends can cheer us when we are unhappy or depressed. Friends can challenge us when we allow ourselves to get beyond our reasonable boundaries. Friends can motivate us when we are ready to give in, and they can provide for us when life falls apart. They are there when all is well, and we want someone with whom to share life's pleasant and memorable moments. We often just want them around to have a good time, to laugh, to act silly; to enjoy some mutually liked activity. In how many ways have friends enriched our lives and made us feel loved, accepted, respected and cared for? Probably, too many to list, and the list grows daily.