

简单的:about, above, across, after, against, among, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, beyond, but, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, like, near, of, off, on, over, past, round, since, through, to towards, under, until, till, up, with
合成的:inside, into, onto, outside, throughout, within, without,upon
短语介词:according to, along with, apart from, as for, as to, because of, by means of, in front of, in spite of, instead, in accordance with, on account of, on behalf of , owing to, due to, together with, up to, with regard to, next to, prior to
第1个回答  2011-06-17

1. what 什么(用于问做事情或问事物)What have you got? I’ve got some apples.

2. where 哪里 (对地点提问)Where are my gloves? They are in the drawer.

3. who 谁 (对人提问)Who is your sister? The girl in the photo is my sister.

4. How many 多少(对数量提问) How many people are there in your family? There are five.

5. How much 多少(钱)(对价格提问)How much are they ? Ten yuan, please.

6. how 怎样 How are you? Fine, thank you. How does it taste? It tastes nice.

7. how soon 多久 (回答用in+时间)How soon will you be tall and strong? In 13 years’ time.

8. how long 多长时间 (对一段时间提问,回答用for / about +一段时间)How long does it take you to get to school? It takes me only half an hour. (for / about half an hour )

9. how tall 多高 (对身高提问)How tall will he be? He will be 180 centimetres tall.

10. how far 多远 (对距离提问)

11. how heavy 多重 (对体重或重量提问)

12. when 什么时候 (对时间提问)When is your grandma’s birthday? It’s on the fifteenth of April.

13. what time 几点了(对时间点提问)What time are they in the park? At four o’clock.

14. why 为什么 (表示原因)Why do more students like staying in the library in summer? Because it is air-conditioned.

15. How old 多大 (对年龄提问)How old are you? I’m thirteen.

16. which 哪一个,哪一些

17. whose 谁的(可放于名词前作定语,也可单独使用)Whose book is this? (Whose is this book? ) It’s my book. / It’s mine.


1. on ①用于表示星期几,具体的某一天或节日前②表示位置:在…上面;put on 穿上;on the right of 在右边; get on 上车; on Monday morning;

2. in 用于年,月,四季或泛指的上午、下午、晚上等;用于较大的地点前;用语言;在里面; in 2009; in spring / summer / autumn / winter ; in the morning; in Shenyang ; in English ;in the drawer;

3. to 到;往

4. of (属于)…..的

5. for 后接时间段;表示原因,目的“为了……”;对于……而言

6. after 在…以后

7. before 在…以前

8. onto 在…上面

9. into 进入…里面

10. about 大约,关于

11. at 表示时间,具体的钟点时刻,时间较短暂

12. by 依靠;乘坐…. ;在…旁边 by bus; by the sea;

13. through 通过

14. from 从…来

15. under 在…下面

16. near 附近

17. with 和…一起; 带有….; 用….(具体有形的东西)

第2个回答  2011-06-16
who what how这些是疑问词
Who are you? 你是谁
What is it? 这是什麼
How old are you? 你几岁
at , in, on+名词 才是介词
第3个回答  2011-06-16
at on in atter before while when into of over under front by for about to等等追问

who what how这些是疑问介词吗?

第4个回答  2020-11-10

