
WILKES-BARRE, Pa. – A night originally designated Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night turned deadly when the WWE Chairman’s limousine burst into a fiery explosion just moments after Mr. McMahon stepped into it. Permanently uprooting the world of sports-entertainment, the Chairman has been presumed dead in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Local authorities stated it was still too early to declare anything as fact, including exactly what caused the explosion, but described the blast as an apparent
“car bombing.” They also revealed that as of 11:30 p.m. EST, no body had been recovered from the incinerated wreckage. Firefighters were quick to assess the scene, taping off sections of the parking lot to protect the evident crime scene and safeguard scores of onlookers – mostly our fans – from potential injury. Despite the intense heat and ubiquitous clouds of black smoke, countless people spilled out of the arena to get a closer look at the chaos they had just seen happen live on the TitanTron. Moments earlier, the sold-out crowd came to a still hush as they speechlessly watched from their seats. “By the time we arrived on the scene, the entire automobile was on fire,” explained a Wilkes-Barre firefighter. “It was like an inferno, and our guys were doing whatever they could to contain it as quickly as possible. In my 27 years with the fire department, I’ve never seen anything like that.”

WILKES-BARRE, Pa,一个对于McMahon先生来说原本惬意的夜晚,但当他进入WWE协会主席的豪华轿车的瞬间变得致命起来。汽车突然起火爆炸,将世间所有的体育和娱乐连根拔起,主席当即死亡。当地政府宣称现在说一切都为时过早,事实有待调查,还不知道爆炸由什么引起,但是排除外力因素。

汽车爆炸。" 他们同时透漏在美国东部时间下午11:30 ,无法从已经烧成灰的残留中辨认死者。消防队员很快接手了现场, 用隔离带隔离出部分停车场,以便保护犯罪现场和防止旁观者(其中大多是狂热者)留下痕迹和潜在受伤。尽管高温和天空中弥漫的黑烟,很多人还是不断涌入这里以便近距离查看这场偶然发生在TitanTron 的纷乱。早在此之前,空荡的人群还在自己的位子上像静止的画面一样默默观看。一个 Wilkes-Barre 的消防队员说道,“当我们到达现场的时候 , 整个汽车都在火中。大火像一个魔鬼,无论我们做什么它都能很快覆盖一切。在我的27年的消防员生涯中,从未遇到过像这样的情况”

PS:抄我的那个家伙 我写了一半 你就改了一半 无语啊
第1个回答  2007-06-13