关于问路的三人英语对话 两段 每人至少五句话 好的还有奖励


A:Excuse me,could you tell me how can i get to the postoffice?
B:eh,i'm new here too,but i think you can ask that police.
A:thank you .
B;no thanks.
A:Excuse me ,could you tell me how can i get to the office?
C:oh,go straight and when you see a big white house trun left.you can see post office.
A:maby a litte far to me.
C:umm... you can take taxi
A:but i don't have much money
C you can go straight and you can see a bus station.
A:ok thank you very much.
C you are welcome.
第1个回答  2012-04-14
A: Excuse me, I’m afraid I was lost.Could you please tell me how to get to the train station?
B: Sorry, I am mew here. You may ask someone else .
A: Thanks all the same.
A:Excuse me, Can you show me the way to the station?
C:Sure, it's near here. You see, walk along the street, turn left at the second corner, and then keep walking untill you see a big supermarket named Walmart. It is just across from the mall.
A: Thanks a lot.
C: You are welcome.
第2个回答  2011-02-24
excuse me
may i ask you some question?
could you tell me the way to ......
how can i get there?本回答被网友采纳