

1. fashion [fə'ʃɒn] n. 样子, 方式, 流行, 风尚, 时样
2. vt. 形成, 造, 作, 把...塑造成, 使适应, 使适合, 改革, 改变
3. fashioned, fashioning, fashions
4. To give shape or form to; make: 形成或构成;制造
5. To train or influence into a particular state or character: 塑造
6. To adapt, as to a purpose or an occasion; accommodate: 使适应
7. Obsolete To contrive: 【废语】 图谋
8. after a fashion 或 in a fashion
9. In some way or other, especially to a limited extent: 勉强,马马虎虎
10. She sings after a fashion: 她勉强会唱一点
11. Middle English facioun 中古英语 facioun
12. from Old French façon [appearance, manner] 源自 古法语 façon [外貌,方式]
13. from Latin facti½} facti½n- [a making] 源自 拉丁语 facti½} facti½n- [一个成因]
14. from factus [past participle of] facere [to make, do] * see dh¶- 源自 factus [] facere的过去分词 [成为物灶,做] *参见 dh¶-
15. fash“ionern. (名词)fashion, style, mode, vogue
16. These nouns refer to a prevailing or preferred manner of dress, adornment, behavior, or way of life at a given time. 这些名词指衣服、装饰、行为或生活方式在特定时间里流行或为众人喜爱的方式。
17. Fashion, the broadest term, usually refers to what accords with conventions adopted by polite society or set by those in the forefront of the artistic or intellectual sphere: 用法最广,通常指那些与礼仪社会所采用的惯例或由艺术或知识领域的先锋所建立的相合的东西
18. wears clothes in the height of fashion; 穿着新潮时装
19. a time when pop art was very much in fashion. 一个流行音乐成为时尚的年代
20. Style is sometimes used interchangeably with fashion (Style 有时与fashion 交替使用( a gown that is out of style), but style, like mode, often stresses adherence to standards of elegance: 一件过时的衣服),但是style 象 mode 一样通常强调坚持风雅的水准
21. The couple travels in style. 这对夫妻符合时尚地旅游
22. Miniskirts were the mode in the late sixties. 迷你裙是六十年代后期的时尚
23. Vogue is applied to fashion that prevails widely (Vogue 指流行很广的方式(the voluptuous figure in vogue at the time of Rubens); the term often suggests enthusiastic but short-lived acceptance (鲁本斯时代时髦的肉感身材); 这个词通常暗含有狂热但为时很短的接受(a game that enjoyed a vogue in its day). See also Synonyms at method 一种流行于它的时代的游戏) 参见同义词 method
24. fashion源自拉丁语factio<facere做,作