

Last week, all the students from Class 2 Grade 8 held an outdoor-activity in Guangming Village, which is 5 miles away from their school.
The students were amazed at the wonderful landscape in the countryside.
There they took a great tour in fresh air and listened to the beautiful melodies sung by the birds.
Besides, they also tried kite flying and fishing; they had a picnic there as well.
第1个回答  2012-07-24
Sunday,May 1st
I got to school very early.Our class took a special bus to Cuihua
Mountain at 8:30.We got off the bus.Our classmates were very excited.
The mountain is so beautiful .We can see flowers and grass here and
there.The air was so fresh ,the birds were singing happily.The mountain is covered with trees and is very steep in front of us.We seldom see such a beautiful picture.We could't wait to take many photos.Then we started to climb the mountain up the steep path.We climbed and climbed. We were all tired and reached the top of rhe
mountain.We were thirsty and hungry.It was the best way to sit down and had a good rest .Everyone took out of delicious food and drinks to share .This was a good chance to relax.We danced and sang for a long time,certainly we also took many pictures together.We all enjoyed the nature and had a good time on that day!
第2个回答  2011-02-25
Yesterday, melike teacher said our class organization a picnic activities, let classmates oneself combination, and division, tomorrow bring materials to school to have a picnic. Spear teacher the words sound just fell and schoolmates would excited yell, a class immediately find crew, and by noon began to division.

The next day, a premature self-taught, we shall mightily to picnic site, start the fire. This fire is not easy ah, accidentally the fire will extinguished, and I spent a long time before the baking pan charcoal burning. According to the division of Labour, I specialize in barbecue, because I used to bake several times, experienced. Barbecue is a time to live

. Barbecue is a time to live, you'd have to be patient of charging, turning aside, but also pay attention to the temperature, temperature big when you every short tim
第3个回答  2011-02-16
Last weekend, my classmates and I went sightseeing. There were 44 of us. We started at 8:00 in the morning. We went to Rushed China. I took my own digital camera, some money and some snacks, including potato chips, biscuits and french fries. We had a good time there.
I was tired but happy that day.
第4个回答  2011-02-26
今天中午,妈妈说要去池塘钓鱼,我高兴极了。 ,你也可以投稿
十点整,妈妈开车载着爷爷、小姨夫和我一行出发了。 到了池塘,爷爷首先收拾好鱼竿,把它伸得长长的,再把鱼食挂在鱼钩上。只见爷爷用力一甩鱼竿,“嗖”地一声鱼线被远远地甩在了池中央,便静静地等候着。这时小姨夫也把我的鱼竿整好了,按照同样的方法,我的鱼线也被远远的甩到了池中。我精神抖擞地握着鱼竿,目不转睛地盯着水面。 太阳火辣辣晒在身上直发烫,我轻轻挪动着地方,躲在了爷爷的大太阳伞下。我的手都握酸了,我着急的问爷爷怎么还没鱼上钩啊?爷爷小声地对我说:“钓鱼不能着急,要有很大的耐性,鱼是你的对手,你恒心大于鱼,鱼就会上钩的。”忽然,我见爷爷用力一提,鱼竿变成弯弯的了。我大声地喊妈妈:“爷爷吃钩了,爷爷吃钩了!”“什么爷爷吃钩了,是鱼吃钩了!”妈妈笑着拿着抄网跑过来,把鱼捞了上来,“哎呀,是一条红鲤鱼!”我羡慕地叫着。