英语情景对话4组每组10句左右 1.制作“俱乐部"海报2.家里来了客人3除夕晚上4随便 帮帮忙


A: Hi Peter, do you know the deadline for the poster of “CLUB”?
B: It is this Wednesday, a week later.
A: Wow, that’s pretty close.
B: Yes, it is. Do you have any idea of the topic of this poster?
A: I think a fundraiser event might be good to help a missing child who I knew. He is one of my neighbors and his parents are dying to find him.
B: Yes, it is a great idea. We can gather people and send out the information of the missing boy. People can also donate some money if they want.
A: Great. Let’s make people know our club is not only a regular club, it is a helpful one!
B: Cool. Can we meet tomorrow afternoon and discuss more about it?
A: Sure. I will prepare something for it tonight.
B: See you then.
A: See you!

A: Hi Peter, how are you doing?
B: Hi Alice, I am doing great. How about you?
A: I am very well. Thanks.
B: Look, my TV cable is broken and I am a big fun of “Friends.” I don’t want to miss anything. So can I watch it at your home?
A: Oh sure! Come in!
B: Thank you so much!
A: Not a problem! I loves “Friends” as well and I would love to watch it with you.
B: Cool.
A: Do you want something to drink?
B: A cup of water would be fine. Thanks.

Father: I can’t believe the new year is coming!
Mother: Oh yeah. How time flies!
Father: Our kid is growing so quickly.
Mother: Yes, she is at least one inch taller than last year.
Kid: Two inches taller!
Mother: Really!?
Father: Yes. I just measured and compared the number of last year. He is a big boy now!
Kid: Happy New Year mom and dad!
Father: Thank you my son.
Mother: Happy new year to you too. Here is your red envelop. And congratulation you are growing up!
Kid: Oh yeah! Thank you, mom and dad!

Girl: Hi love, do you know what day is today?
Boy: Tuesday.
Girl: I know it is Tuesday. I mean do you know something special about today?
Boy: Your birthday? No it was your birthday last week.
Girl: ……
Boy: Your father’s birthday? No, it is in July.
Boy: Your mother’s birthday? No, it should be in September.
Girl: All right. Thank you for remember my parents’ birthdays but I am still mad at you.
Boy: Here you go! (Presenting something to her)
Girl: What’s this?
Boy: It is your Valentine’s Day gift. Happy Valentine’s Day!来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2011-02-16