


1.I do it every day.

(我每天做这样的事。)一般现在时 动词用原型

2.I did it yesterday.

(昨天我做了这件事。)一般过去时 动词用过去式

3.I shall/will do it tomorrow.

(明天我要做这件事。)一般将来时 shall/will + 动词原形

4.I am doing it now.

(现在我正在做这件事。)现在进行时 be动词 + 动词现在分词

5.I was doing it at that time.

(当时我正在做这件事。)过去进行时 be动词的过去式 + 动词现在分词

6.I shall/will be doing it at 9:00 tomorrow morning.

(明天早晨九时我会正在做这件事。)将来进行时 shall/will + be + 动词现在分词

7.I have done it already.

(我已把这件事做好了。)现在完成时 have/has + 动词过去分词

8.I had done it before I went home yesterday.

(昨天我在回家之前就把那件工作做完了。)过去完成时 had + 动词过去分词

9.I shall/will have done it before you come back tomorrow.

(明天在我回来之前我会把这件工作做好。)将来完成时 shall/will + have + 动词过去分词

10.I have been doing it for two days.

(这件工作我已做了两天了。——说话时工作尚未做完,所以还得继续做。)现在完成进行时 have/has been + 动词现在分词

11.I had been doing the work for two hours when the teacher came.

(老师来时那件工作我已做了两小时了。——当时工作尚未完成,所以老师来了我还继续在做。)过去完成进行时 had been + 动词现在分词

12.I shall/will have been doing it for an hour when you come to see me at 9:00 tomorrow morning.

(明天早上九时你来看我时,我会在做那件工作做了一小时。——当然尚未能做完,还得继续做下去。)将来完成进行时 shall/will + have been + 动词现在分词