fit in和fit in with有什么区别


第1个回答  2014-07-01
fit in:适应,适合;装配好;找时间做 fit in with:vt.适应;符合;与…一致追问



1.PHRASAL VERB If you manage to fit a person or task in, you manage to find time to deal with them. 安排时间处理
例:We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in. 我们在家在外都长时间地工作, 我们到处奔波,尽力安排时间做 每一件事。
2.PHRASAL VERB If you fit in as part of a group, you seem to belong there because you are similar to the other people in it. 相处融洽
例: She was great with the children and fit in beautifully. 她对孩子们很有一手,相处得非 常融洽。
3. PHRASAL VERB If you say that someone or something fits in, you understand how they form part of a particular situation or system. (在某情 形、体系中) 发挥作用
例: He knew where I fitted in and what he had to do to get the best out of me. 他知道我在哪里能发挥作用,以 及他怎样做才能发挥我的最佳水 平。


能容纳,能装进: I don't think this is the box that this toy came in,it won't fit in. 我认为这不是装这个玩具的盒子,玩 具装不进去。


安排进去,把…放进去: There was so much furniture in the salesroom that it became impossible to fit any more in. 营业部里装的家具十分拥挤,不可能 再放进任何家具了。


给…安排时间: I'm very busy,I'll try to fit in a game of tennis at the weekend. 我虽然很忙,但要设法在周末安排打 一场网球。

第2个回答  2014-07-01
fit in 是主动的 fit in with 是被动的,使适合追问

