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22 ) As or (A.): Ot, so there }. (r_ + ∞), so Jim:, by the mE: 6 . Zhu :: logr - log (r +6 +1) logm (r, A0) log,, + log (1 +) with lim (23) lrn_ + ogrn ' So, on any given account (0 rn. , Then m (r,nike factory outlet, As) sm (r, A0) / 2 (24) ( continued on page 252 ) * 252 * Jiangxi Science Volume 24 , 2006 r A 136-275-22512035, K = l10000f. 000 013 Conclusion This method of Ray and better than the original method and the order is smaller , the number of columns when B is large, can greatly reduce the computation , the original method focuses on the case of full column rank , this method is discussed for arbitrary Rank of the situation and get feedback in a general expression containing arbitrary parameters , can be achieved by appropriate choice of arbitrary parameters to meet the performance requirements of other closed-loop system can be seen when the larger the number of columns B , K Containing more arbitrary parameters . Solving out the original must be rank 1 matrix,tiffany canada, this method is generally obtained the rank of K is not 1, due to pre- K ji = a part of ,ed hardy bikini, so it can be preset according to the actual requirements , when the A matrix for the loop It may also be the aim is to make the various elements as small as possible so that the first method to overcome the shortcomings,mbt cipo, while the second method of calculation also is smaller than that . In summary, this method is the original method, a good improvement algorithm.
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