
这是个惊险的故事,william daeling的一家是很勇敢的一家人,值得我们学习。他们为了救几个自己都不认识的陌生人,把自己陷入危险中,他们的精神值得我学习。我很喜欢故事中的小女孩Grace,她是一个很勇敢可爱的小女孩。她年纪虽然小,但她不害怕危险勇于救人的精神,真的很难得。

This is a thrilling story. William daeling's family is a very brave family and we should learn from them. They placed themselves in real danger and risked their own lives to save a few strangers. I should follow their courageous spirit. I like the story of the little girl, Grace. She is a brave and lovely girl. She may be young but her courage and self-sacrificing spirit is quite unmatched.
第1个回答  2011-03-23
It was a trilling story. It was about William Daeling's family, who showed great courage and set us a good example. The members of the family risked their own lives trying their best to rescue a few total strangers. Their brave behavior was never too noble for learning. I quite like the little girl called Grace in this story, who was cute and full of courage. Despite her young age, she was never afraid of danger along with saving other lives, which was rare and surprising.
第2个回答  2011-03-23
This is an adventural story, William Daelings are all brave who are worthy of our admiration. Their spirit should be learnt because they participated themselves into danger in saving a stanger. I love the girl Grace for she is a brave and lovely girl. Although she was young in age, she help others regardless of danger. This behavior is very precious.


第3个回答  2011-03-26
This is a thrilling story, william daeling a very brave family, and worth learning. They are not aware of their own to save a few strangers and his own danger, their spirit that I can learn. I like the story of the little girl Grace, she is a very brave little girl. She is old and may be small, but she was not afraid of dangerous spirit of courage to save people, really hard to come by.