

3、上大学是一种重要途径,但不是唯一途径。那些没有受过大学教育的成功人士,虽然大学没上,但他们学的东西可一点也不少,也就是说,不管上不上大学,学习都很重要,对于想成功的人来说(有不想成功的吗?)。只不过有的人通过上大学学习,有的人在生活和工作中学习。然而,大学是一个很好的学习的地方(不务正业的就不说了),从这个逻辑上讲,上过大学整体成功的概率会比较高,这个没有具体的统计数据(也不可能有),但凭直觉就可以知道。而如果将上学作为一种投资的话,规避风险,找成功机会高的难道不是投资者的一种理性选择?Therefore, the value and necessity of the University of discussion, that is, not the same university likely to be successful, his representative is bill.gates, Michle.Dell (no mention of this, China's Li Ka-shing), and there are a lot of problems ares sex, of course, can not be said that this is the moderator of sexual ares perspective, my estimate is: Moderator think that the people of the world, many people will think so.
Said that this remark, I do not know Moderator Chenweihong mind what is the criterion of success, but I think that two prominent characteristics, in addition to no end on the University, there is economically very rich, the other is to a certain extent influence in the global scope. Of course, but also there are other common characteristics (such as they are men, they are all American), but I would like to, since the moderator said that the world's richest country, then the owner of the financial core is definitely a factor.
Said they successful, and I no objection, but if I think that Einstein also very successful? If wealth, then Buffett? Kai-fu Lee say it ..... examples of this is too much. They are well-educated. So I think that while there are several issues here:
1, the success of standards, it is not a one-dimensional targets.
2, logic problems. As president of Beijing University said, a bill.gates successful, no problem, and by extension that no university there will be problems.
Logically speaking, you should at least study: Not on the success of the University of population ratio, at the University of proportion to the success of group, which a higher high? Chinese college students have seen the proportion of the total population two data, a 3%, a 5%. Sum up no more than 10 per cent. Then, and the remaining 90% is not all become bill.gates? It seems not. On the contrary, China's farmers are now also flies很苦, this is not the life they want (if they want, it would be a success), if they have the opportunity to delegate some more education, the situation should be much better.
3, the university is an important means, but not the only way. Those who do not have university-educated people who, although not on the university, but they can learn the things that are also quite a number, that is, not on whether universities, learning is very important to the success of the people (do not want success ?). Some people only learn through college, and some people in the life and work of the study. However, the university is a good learning place (not that the load), and from this logically, the university as a whole, the probability of success will be relatively high, there is no specific statistical data (it is impossible to have), but intuitive to know. If a school will be an investment in the case, avoid risks, the chances of success for high investor Is not a rational choice?