急需翻译以下文字,请各位达人帮忙,万分感谢!! (谢绝翻译软件的译文)

8.2. The Parties agree to accept in confidence the Confidential Information and will not disclose it to any third party or use it for their own benefit without first obtaining written consent from the respective Party. However, the obligations will not be binding on either Party with respect to information which is:
a) Demonstrably known to the Party at its time of disclosure or
b) Becomes known to the public generally through no fault or other action of the Party or
c) Obtained lawfully from a third party who is not under any obligation to keep such information confidential or
d) Developed by its employees, agents or representatives as a result of their own efforts and not as a result of the disclosure of the same information by the other Party.
8.3. In order to minimize the inadvertent disclosure of Confidential Information both Parties agree to :
a) Only disclose the Confidential Information to its employees who require the Confidential Information for the performance of their duties and who will be warned of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information; and
b) Return all written Confidential Information received from the other Party upon request to do so by that Party.
