生活英语情景口语,非常简单的英语。。。help 帮我修改(内容:问路)~~~~~~~

B:Excuse me,I 'm bit lost,Where is this?
A:Here is Beijing Road.
Where you go?
B:I'm not local , How can i get to ZhongGuanCun?
A:Go down this street and turn left at the first crossroad.
You will see it.
B:Do you have some time now?
A:Yes,What's up?
B:I'm a stranger here, maybe I will forget the road ,Can you take me there?
A:I'm glad to do a leader.Please follow me,I will get to the ZhongGuanCun with you.
Is this your first time to BeiJing?
B: Yes, Make a business meeting from BeiJing ZhongGuanCun is my special
purpose.What should we get to ZhongGuanCun,Is it far to walk?
A:It's not so far.But we can get there by bus.
We just wait No.19 bus.
Would you want to take a bus or walk to there?
B:I want to walk there.How much time to get there?
A:Maybe thirty minute.
Can we catch up your business meeting?
B:Never mind,do you know where is the hotel near ZhongGuanCun?
A:Yes,the hotel just next to ZhongGuanCun,it's easy to find it.
Ah...we get to ZhongGunCun.That's the hotel.Can you see it?
B:Yes,the hotel is beautiful. Thank you,I will disappear in the entrance.
A:Good luck for your meeting,bye.

B:打扰一下,我有点迷路了,请问这是哪里?(B:Excuse me,I 'm bit lost,Where is this?)
A:这儿是北京路,你要去哪里?(A: Here is Beijing Road.
Where you go?)
B:我不是当地人,请问如何抵达中关村?(B:I'm not local , How can i get to ZhongGuanCun?)
A:沿着这条路走,然后在第一个十字路口向左转随后你就会看到那里。(A:Go down this street and turn left at the first crossroad.You will see it.)
B:你有时间吗?(B:Do you have some time now?)
A:有,怎么了?(A:Yes,What's up? )
B:在这里我是一个陌生人,也许我会忘记在路上,你能带我去吗?(B:I'm a stranger here, maybe I will forget the road ,Can you take me there?)
A:很高兴成为你的引路人,请跟我来,我将和你一体去中关村,你是第一次来北京吗?(A:I'm glad to do a leader.Please follow me,I will get to the ZhongGuanCun with you.
Is this your first time to BeiJing?)
B:是的,做一个商务会议,到北京中关村是我的专程目的,我们怎么到达中关村啊,距离这边远吗?(B: Yes, Make a business meeting from BeiJing ZhongGuanCun is my special
purpose.What should we get to ZhongGuanCun,Is it far to walk?)
A:不是很远,.但我们可以乘坐公共汽车。我们只需等待19路公共汽车即可,你想要坐公共汽车还是步行到那里啊?(A:It's not so far.But we can get there by bus.We just wait No.19 bus.Would you want to take a bus or walk to there?)
B:我想步行到那儿,.那得需要多长的时间啊?(B:I want to walk there.How much time to get there?)
A:大概是30分钟,能否赶上您的会议?(A:Maybe thirty minute.Can we catch up your business meeting?)
B:没关系,你知道中关村附近哪有旅馆吗?(B:Never mind,do you know where is the hotel near ZhongGuanCun?)
A:嗯,中关村的旁边就是旅馆,很容易就可以找到它。啊哈……我们到中关村了,那是旅馆,你能看到吗?(A:Yes,the hotel just next to ZhongGuanCun,it's easy to find it.Ah...we get to ZhongGunCun.That's the hotel.Can you see it?)
B:是的,旅馆很漂亮。谢谢你,我要进去了。(B:Yes,the hotel is beautiful. Thank you,I will disappear in the entrance.)
A:祝你会议顺利,再见。(A:Good luck for your meeting,bye.)
第1个回答  2011-06-12
1.i am lost, where is here?
2.where are you going?
3.i am not from local.
4.你有时间吗?may i borrow you for a second?(委婉的问法)
5.yes, please.( 请讲。what is up?很粗鲁,没有耐心)
6.i am a stranger, i might forget the way,could you take me there?(could,表示威望)
7. i will take you to zhongguancun.
8.yes, for a business meeting, it is my special journey to zhongguancun beijing. how can we get there? is it far?
9. we just wait for no.19 bus. how would you like to get there?
10.how long it takes to get there?(问时间多长,how long)
11.maybe 30 minutes.
12.do not worry.do you know which hotel near zhongguancun? ( do you know any hotel there near by?)
13.yes, there is a hotel just next to zhongguancun, you will not miss it.
14.ah.. we are here. that is the hotel, did you see it?
15.yes, it is beautiful.thank you very much. i have to get in now.
16.good luck,bye.本回答被提问者采纳