

日本三菱汽车工业公司在向日本运输省提交的一份报告中承认自己隐瞒汽车质量问题,并决定追加回收在全球市场出售的汽车28.8万辆进行修理。公司还将检查其他9000辆可能需要检查的汽车。据估计,三菱公司用于回收汽车的总费用将达6909万美元。三菱公司今年5月曾预计,为负担退休金债务, 公司今年的净亏损可能会达到700亿日元(6.4亿美元),是上年的3倍。 回收汽车的巨大花费又给公司增添了意外的沉重负担。消息传来,三菱汽车的股票在股市上应声而跌,从7月中旬的497日元下跌到目前的429日元。 日本交通部已表示要对三菱汽车公司进行刑事控告或给予行政处罚。


2000年9月8日,随着日本三菱公司总裁的谢罪辞职和100 亿美元的巨额赔偿,“三菱危机”似乎画上了一个句号。可能用不了多久,“三菱事件”可能会被更惊人的信息“过滤”掉。但是,与之相关的涉及“企业道德”的麻烦可能才刚刚开始……



Japan is a frequent earthquake of the place, Japan "enterprise earthquake" has intensified. According to investigation, since 1998, mitsubishi motor company is received 88000 complaints, but 64000 of them pile pile are mitsubishi company under pressure, not YunShuSheng report. Another survey by the YunShuSheng, mitsubishi companies have total omission the company production car problems of 17, secret recovery and free repair of various kinds of vehicles, about 620000 vehicles for automobile quality issues hide crashes

日本三菱汽车工业公司在向日本运输省提交的一份报告中承认自己隐瞒汽车质量问题,并决定追加回收在全球市场出售的汽车28.8万辆进行修理。公司还将检查其他9000辆可能需要检查的汽车。据估计,三菱公司用于回收汽车的总费用将达6909万美元。三菱公司今年5月曾预计,为负担退休金债务, 公司今年的净亏损可能会达到700亿日元(6.4亿美元),是上年的3倍。 回收汽车的巨大花费又给公司增添了意外的沉重负担。消息传来,三菱汽车的股票在股市上应声而跌,从7月中旬的497日元下跌到目前的429日元。 日本交通部已表示要对三菱汽车公司进行刑事控告或给予行政处罚。

Japan mitsubishi auto industry company to Japan in YunShuSheng submit a report admits that his car to hide, and quality problems in the global market recovery additional decided to sell 288000 vehicles for repairs. The company will also check the other 9000 cars may need to check the car. According to estimates, mitsubishi company used to recycle the overall cost of the car will amount to 69.09 million dollars. Mitsubishi company in May this year, had been expected to pension debt burden for this year, the company could reach a net loss of 70 billion yen ($640 million), is three times as much as the previous year. Recovery of the great expense and car company added burden of accident. The news, mitsubishi cars in the stock market and stock answer down, from July by the middle of 497 yen fell to the current 429 yen. Japan has already said that the ministry to mitsubishi car company to administrative penalty or criminal charges.


Do the car, if not qualified, parts could become extremely "street killer", kill people or "suicide", this is the car is different from other products a characteristics. In case of user complaints, by "the elder brother" way "processing" secret, they will be more found no "hidden dangers" of users to "guimen pass", this is not lucky psychology, also not going to roses so simple, but, rather, "moral" problems-from mercenaries!!!!!


The Japanese have to reflect on. Not only is the enterprise, and the Japanese government. If not the Japanese government in industry policy to enterprise "for a long time, mitsubishi won't make tilt" such a big "earthquake". Not only is Japan, and many enterprise almost at the same time be bolted the moral court. Mitsubishi motor company President sichuan add announced that he will be the President's position, to resign to mitsubishi motor company cover customer complaints in the scandal is responsible for. Mitsubishi conceal the??????? Is parts fault may cause hidden trouble? Or enterprise in moral defects? Traced back, should be the latter.

2000年9月8日,随着日本三菱公司总裁的谢罪辞职和100 亿美元的巨额赔偿,“三菱危机”似乎画上了一个句号。可能用不了多久,“三菱事件”可能会被更惊人的信息“过滤”掉。但是,与之相关的涉及“企业道德”的麻烦可能才刚刚开始……

September 8, 2000, as the President of the company from Japan mitsubishi XieZui resignation and us $10 billion of huge compensation, "mitsubishi crisis" seems to painting of the a period. May use a long, "mitsubishi events" might be the more amazing information "filter" drop. But, to the related involving "enterprise morality" trouble could only just beginning to......


Enterprise in the "justice" and "and" the category of the ", often is the "that is infinite and even stop at nothing to profit as the only purpose. Every enterprise, is "independent operation, their own profits and losses, self-discipline, self development independent economic entity". And in this definition, the most neglected is "self-discipline" this one, the most likely to happen in understanding the deviation, or this one, the hardest, still is this one. For people's services, but also for yourself. For consumers to think for themselves, is service. The customer and the interest of the customer, in fact, is that the interests of the enterprise. In the 21 st century, "conscience", "conscience", may be the most "valuable". But, how to say? Take what say it? Make a "ISO9003 authentication system" conscience?
第1个回答  推荐于2016-11-26

The earthquake in Japan happens very frequently, and the "enterprise earthquake" also become more and more serious. According to the investigation, since 1998 Mitsubishi automobile group received 88000 complaints, however, 64000 of them had been fixed by Mitsubishi without reporting to TransportMinistry. Furthermore, according to the investigation Mitsubishi had underreported 17 automobile's quality-related problems and had secretly recalled and repared 62000 automobiles for free. Hiding the quality-related problems had caused lots of accidents.

日本三菱汽车工业公司在向日本运输省提交的一份报告中承认自己隐瞒汽车质量问题,并决定追加回收在全球市场出售的汽车28.8万辆进行修理。公司还将检查其他9000辆可能需要检查的汽车。据估计,三菱公司用于回收汽车的总费用将达6909万美元。三菱公司今年5月曾预计,为负担退休金债务, 公司今年的净亏损可能会达到700亿日元(6.4亿美元),是上年的3倍。 回收汽车的巨大花费又给公司增添了意外的沉重负担。消息传来,三菱汽车的股票在股市上应声而跌,从7月中旬的497日元下跌到目前的429日元。 日本交通部已表示要对三菱汽车公司进行刑事控告或给予行政处罚。
Mitsubishi automobile group submitted a report confessing they had hidden automobile's quality-related problems to TransportMinistry, and decided to recall additional 288000 automobiles to repare them. They would also inspect other 9000 automobiles which might have risks. By estimate, Mitsubishi would pay more than 69090000 US dollars for it. Mitsubishi had forecasted that net deficiency might be 70 billion JPY because of the debt of pensions this year and this number was three times than last year. Recalling the automobiles made the load heavier. Because of this news, Mitsubishi automobile shares in the stock market crashed and fell from 497 JPY in the middle of July to the current 429 JPY. Japan's Ministry of Communications had indicated to Mitsubishi automobile for criminal charges or administrative punishment.


The automobile makers, if the parts failed, most likely produce a "road killer", to kill others or "suicide", which is an automobile's characteristic different from other products. In case of customer complaints, "compounding" approach of the secret "treatment" will kill more lives of customers who have not realized the problems. This is not because of fluke mind, not because of content with temporary case and comfort, but only because of the "moral" -venality!

2000年9月8日,随着日本三菱公司总裁的谢罪辞职和100 亿美元的巨额赔偿,“三菱危机”似乎画上了一个句号。可能用不了多久,“三菱事件”可能会被更惊人的信息“过滤”掉。但是,与之相关的涉及“企业道德”的麻烦可能才刚刚开始……

Japanese needs to reflect on, not only to the enterprise, but also to the Japanese government. If the Japanese government didn't tilt their policy to the enterprise in the long-term, Mitsubishi would not be involved in such a big trouble, "enterprise earthquake." Not only in Japan, and many other companies are brought to the moral court almost at the same time. Kawaso, president of Mitsubishi automobile announced that he will resign, to be responsible for customer complaints scandal. What does Mitsubishi try to hide? A component failure that can cause the risks? Or the moral flaws? Tracing the source, it should be the latter.
On September 8, 2000, following the resignation of the president of Mitsubishi Corporation and 100 billion dollars huge compensation, "Mitsubishi crisis" seemed to draw a conclusion.
It may not take long, "Mitsubishi incident" may be "filtered" out by even more alarming news. However, associated "moral flaws" may only just be a beginning ... ...


When Enterprises balance the "righteousness" and "benefit ", they often choose the "profit" and infinitely pursuit of profit by any means. Any Enterprises actually are "autonomous, self-financing, self-restraining and self-developing and independent economic entity. " In this definition, the point that is the most likely omitted is the "self-restraining, " and this one is most vulnerable to misunderstand, as well as the most difficult to fulfil. Serving the people is also for their own sake. Taking care of the sake of consumers is also for their own services. The interests of customers and users are actually the interests of Enterprises. In the 21st century, "conscience", is probably the most "valuable". However, how can we measure it? What can be used to measure it? What about to establish a "ISO9003 certification system of conscience? "本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-06-13


第3个回答  2011-06-13

