

1. 上小学(中学,大学)go to primary school/middle school/college
2. 大学毕业 graduate/finish college
3. 做实验 do an experiment
4. 通过考试 pass an exam
5. 考试不及格 fail in an exam
6. 开运动会 hold a sports-meet
7. 请(病)假 ask for(sick)leave
8. 听报告/讲座 give a report/lecture
9. 作报告/讲座 give a report/lecture
10. 参加课外活动 take part in out-of-class activities
11. 学生会 Student Union
12. 学的好/擅长 be good at/do well in
13. 课程表 time table
14. 获奖学金 get a scholarship
15. 做兼职/专职工作 do a part-time/full-time job
16. 在数学上努力 work hard at math
17. 积极参加体育运动 take an active part in sports/go in for sports
18. 积极思考并提出问题 be active in thinking and asking questions
19. 参加研究性学习 rake part in exploring study
20. 积极参加社会活动 take an active part in social activities
21. 参加数学竞赛 take a math contest
22. 乐于助人 be ready to help others
23. 在老师的帮助下 with the help of the teachers
24. 把进步归功于老师和父母 owe one’s progress/success to one’s teachers and parents
25. 在竞赛中获一等奖 win the first prize in the contest/competition
26. 取得进步 make progress
27. 去野炊/野营 go for a picnic/go camping
28. 开/上选修课 offer/have optional courses
29. 去春游/秋游 go spring/autumn outing
30. 忙于复习功课 be busy reviewing/going over one’s lessons
31. 充分利用时间 make good use of one’s time
32. 厌倦一个接一个的考试 be tired of one exam after another
33. 与某人相处(好);在某方面进展(好) get along/on(well)with
34. 上几门课 take several courses at school
35. 全心投入 put one’s heart into
36. 对人(事)要求严格 be strict with sb
37. 因某方面而表扬某人 praise sb. for sth.
38. 就某方面给某人提建议 give advice on how to do sth.
39. 把时间都投入工作 devote all one’s time to work
40. 过着忙碌的生活 lead a busy life
41. 遵守/违反校规 keep/break the school rules

1. 出生于 be born
2. 长大 grow up
3. 抚养大 bring sb. up
4. 死于疾病/原因 die of/from
5. 已婚 be married
6. 未婚 be single
7. 离婚 get divorced
8. 过……的生活 lead/live a…life
9. 与…结婚 marry sb.
10. 失业 be out of work/lose one’s job

1. 醒来 wake up
2. 起床 get up
3. 穿衣 get dressed/put on clothes
4. 脱衣 get undressed/take off clothes
5. 搞园艺 go in for gardening
6. 洗淋浴/洗澡 take a shower/bath
7. 离开家 leave home/get away from home
8. 去上班/上学 go to work/go to school
9. 下班/下学 after work/school
10. 回家/到家 go home/get home
11. 下棋/玩牌 play chess/cards
12. 养宠物 keep pets
13. 上学准时 be on time for class
14. 上学迟到 be late for class
15. 做运动 take exercise/have sports
16. 散步 take a walk/go for a walk
17. 做家务 do some housework
18. 呆在家里 stay at home
19. 看电影/看戏 see a film/watch a play
20. 上床睡觉 go to bed
21. 入睡 fall asleep
22. 做梦 have a dream
23. 休息一下 take/have a rest
24. 睡懒觉 stay in bed late
25. 熬夜 stay/sit up late
26. 购物 go shopping

1. 特殊爱好 special hobbies
2. 慢跑步 go jogging
3. 看好莱坞大片 see a Hollywood blockbuster
4. 战争片 a war film
5. 动作片 an action film
6. 喜剧片 a comedy
7. 悲剧片 a tragedy
8. 恐怖片 a horror film
9. 科幻片 a science fiction film
10. 流行音乐 pop music
11. 谈话节目 talk show
12. 互联网 the Internet
13. 网上聊天 chat on the Internet
14. 网上冲浪 surf the Internet
15. 玩电子游戏 play computer games
16. 在美术馆 at the art gallery
17. 在博物馆 at the museum
18. 在展览会上 at the exhibition
19. 去钓鱼/划船 go fishing/boating
20. 去爬山 go mountain=climbing
21. 逛商店 go shopping
22. 去溜冰/游泳 go skating/hunting
23. 散步 take a walk/go for a walk
24. 野营/打猎 go camping/hunting
25. 集邮/币 collect stamps/coins
26. 给某人照相 take a photo for sb.
27. 加入俱乐部 join a club
28. 从事运动 take part in sports
29. 电视连续剧 TV series
30. 养成做…的习惯 form the habit of doing

1. 着火 be on fire
2. 倒塌 fall down
3. 烧光 bum down to the ground
4. 身处险境 be in danger
5. 急救中心 the first aid center
6. 人为灾害 man-made disasters/problems
7. 自然灾害 natural disasters
8. 人口爆炸 population explosion
9. 飓风 a hurricane
10. 生还者 a survivor
11. 受害者 a victim
12. 地震 an earthquake
13. 洪水 a flood
14. 车祸 a car accident
15. 飞机失事 a plane crash
16. 干旱 a drought
17. 泥石流 mud-rock flow
18. 沙尘暴 sandstorm
19. 暴风雨 rainstorm
20. 暴风雪 snowstorm

1. 生病住院 be ill in hospital
2. 得了重感冒 have a bad cold
3. 发高烧 have a high fever
4. 头疼 have/suffer from a headache
5. 浑身疼 ache all over
6. 身体检查 have a medical/physical examination
7. 吃药 take medicine
8. 中药 Chinese medicine
9. 给某人量体温 take one’s temperature
10. 给某人做手术 operate on sb.
11. 听心脏 listen to the chest
12. 量血压 have one’s blood pressure taken
13. 把脉 feel one’s pulse
14. 深呼吸 take a deep breath
15. 去看病 go to see the doctor
16. 带某人去看病 take sb. to the doctor
17. 享受公费医疗 enjoy free medical care
18. 感觉疲劳 feel tired
19. 感觉恶心 feel sick
20. 生病了 be ill/sick
21. 锻炼 take exercises
22. 长寿 live longer
23. 保持健康 keep fit
24. 保持乐观的心态 be optimistic
25. 甜食 desserts
26. 身材好 be well built
27. 脂肪高的食品 the food high in fat
28. 有机食品 organic food
29. 奶制品 milk products
30. 请病假 ask for sick leave
31. 营养丰富 be full of nutriments
32. 匆忙吃早餐 have a quick breakfast
33. 身体好/不好 be in good/bad health
34. 靠……为生 live on
35. 有益/有害健康 be good /bad for health
36. 长体重/减肥 put on/lose weight
37. 节食 go on a diet
38. 别紧张 take it easy
39. 好好休息 have a good rest
40. 休长假 take a long holiday
41. 休假一天 have a day off

1. 球类运动(篮球、排球、足球、网球、羽毛球、乒乓球)ballgames(basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, baseball, badminton, table tennis)
2. 教练/足球队长/裁判/运动员 coach/captain/judge/athlete
3. 优胜者(冠军、亚军、季军、失败者) winner(champion, the second place, the third place, loser)
4. 奖牌(金牌、银牌、铜牌) medal (gold medal, sliver medal, Bronze medal)
5. 团队合作/协作 teamwork
6. 比赛结果 the result of a game
7. 赶上去 catch up with
8. 落后 fall behind
9. 坚持下去 hold on
10. 轮流;替换 take turns
11. 赢得/输比赛 win/lose the match
12. 保持/打破记录 break/keep the record
13. 在操场上 on the playground
14. 同时 at the same time
15. 开运动会 have/hold a sports-meet
16. 从事体育运动 go in for sports/do sports
17. 去航海 go sailing
18. 上/下半场 the first/second half
19. 啦啦队 cheer leaders
20. 半决赛 semi-final

1. 种树 plant trees
2. 浪费/节约自然资源 waste/save natural resources
3. 浇树/花 water plants/flowers
4. 处理垃圾 deal with rubbish
5. 净化空气 make the air clean
6. 空气/水/噪音污染 air/water/noise pollution
7. 保护环境 protect the environment
8. 降低污染 reduce pollution
9. 野生生物/动物 wild plants/animals
10. 回收再利用 recycle
11. 变成沙漠 become deserts
12. 国家公园 national park

1. 导游 a tourist guide
2. 准时 be on time
3. (飞机)起飞/降落 take off/land
4. 登机 get on the plane
5. 下飞机 get off the plane
6. 参观;访问 pay a visit to/be on a visit to
7. 到达 arrive/baggage
8. 来回/单程机票 return/single ticket
9. 行李 luggage/baggage
10. 海关 the Customs Office
11. 身份证 ID card
12. 护照/签证 passport/visa
13. 住旅馆 stay in a hotel
14. 迎接/送某人 meet/see off sb.
15. 带领某人游览 show sb. around a place
16. 名胜古迹 places of interest and historic spots
17. 旅游/观光 go sightseeing
18. 玩得愉快 have a good time
19. 一路顺风 have a pleasant journey
20. 去度假 go on a holiday
21. 两周的假期 a two-week holiday
22. 耽搁/延误 be delayed by/be held up by
23. 欣赏景色 enjoy the scenery
24. 乘飞机旅游 travel by plane
25. 旅行愉快 have a good trip
26. 发现某人到了一个地方 find oneself in a place
第1个回答  2007-06-04
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