

1. Alloy (英 ['ælɒɪ] 美 ['ælɔɪ]):名词,指合金或搀杂物;动词,指合铸或搀杂。
例句:This fearsome alloy of mischievousness and empathy is quite unsettling.
2. Annoy (英 [ə'nɒɪ] 美 [ə'nɔɪ]):动词,指骚扰或使人不快;名词,即annoyance。
例句:What’s the matter? What annoys you?
3. Loyalty (英 ['lɒɪəltɪ] 美 ['lɔɪəlti']):名词,意为忠诚或忠实。
例句:He has my undivided loyalty.
4. Annoyance (英 ['ænəʊɪəns] 美 ['ænoʊɪns]):名词,表示烦恼或令人不快的事物。
例句:The constant noise is a real annoyance.
5. Decoy (英 ['diːkɒɪ; dɪ'kɒɪ] 美 ['dikɔɪ]):名词,指诱捕鸟兽的动物或诱饵;动词,指引诱。
例句:The decoy led the enemy away from the base.
6. Employ (英 [ɪm'plɒɪ; em-] 美 [ɪm'plɔɪ]):动词,指雇用或使用;名词,指受雇或工作。
例句:Many people are employed in the tech industry.
7. Flyboy (英 ['flaiˌbɔɪ]):名词,通常指喜欢炫耀飞行技巧的人。
例句:The flyboy showed off his skills in the airshow.
8. Ploy (英 [plɔɪ]):名词,指策略或计谋;动词,指使用策略。
例句:The politician's ploy to win votes was transparent.
9. Oyer (英 ['ɔɪə]):名词,较少使用,指听审或审判。
例句:The case was heard in oyer and terminer.
10. Killjoy (英 ['kɪl'dʒɔɪ]):名词,指破坏他人乐趣的人。
例句:Don't let the killjoy ruin the party.