

Maybe I'm a bit clueless, but my love for you is sincere. Good morning.
I wish to see your face as the first thing every morning when I wake up. Good morning.
A new day has dawned. Stretch and embrace the cuteness of the day. Good morning.
I enjoy the cool breeze of the morning, which helps me feel more alert. Good morning.
Wherever I am, as long as you're there, it's full of meaning. Good morning.
You are my every day. Good morning.
Facing the sun, focusing on the future. Good morning.
Every morning brings a new hope to start anew. Good morning.
I don't ask for every day to be bright and sunny, only that every day is as warm as our first meeting. Good morning.
As long as there is light in your heart, wherever you go, there will be the sound of birds and the fragrance of flowers. Good morning.
Every day doesn't have to be colorful, but it should have its own unique hue. Good morning.
Gradually understanding others and updating oneself. Good morning.
If the whole world speaks ill of you, I will whisper love words from a past life to you.
Sweet and sour, bitter and spicy, shared with you; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the four seasons, spent with you. Only then is this world worth it.
The happiest thing in the world is you playing while I laugh, such warmth in a lifetime, banal but not ordinary.
Having written thousands of mountains, the pen falls on you; having gazed upon the stars, their beauty is you; having written on yellowing pages, they are of you; across thousands of mountains and rivers, the destination is you; the iron horse and the frozen river are also you.
Because I don't know if I can meet you in my next life, I strive in this one to give you the best.
Leaves fall and return to their roots, and I return to you.
Someone you like is like sunshine, a spring breeze carrying the scent of flowers, a wind chime swaying by the window, a chubby cat basking in the sun's warmth, everything beautiful and warm.
Someday, I will be accustomed to your straightforwardness, and you will understand my doublespeak. We will look at each other and laugh, hold hands, and grow old together.
You like fields, spring breezes, the warm sunshine, and the vast universe of stars. I like the kitchen, the lingering aroma of food, and every moment with you.
Climbing to the ninth heaven to embrace the moon, diving to the five oceans to catch the turtle, none of these compares to you holding me close to your heart.
I am stubborn by nature, with clear loves and hates. From the moment I saw you, my eyes are filled with the clear image of you. That's why I like you, not because of a passing trend, nor because of saying one thing but meaning another.
Ten greetings, a hundred goodnights, a thousand casual conversations, ten thousand empty words, all for the day when I hear you say, "I like you too."
In a lifetime, one may encounter about 2.92 million people, and the chance of two people falling in love is 0.000049. Look, I've managed such an unlikely thing, and that person is you. How fortunate I am.
I don't need you to be a superhero, nor do I want you to have unique skills, and I certainly don't need you to ride a rainbow, I just want you to be my one and only Monkey King.
If I can be with you, I'd rather see all the stars in the sky fade away, because your eyes are the brightest light in my life.
Your eyes hold mountains, rivers, and mist, outshining all the beautiful scenery.
I hope that in the future, our life together is gentle and interesting, not too intense; breakfast, lunch, and dinner; spring, summer, autumn, and winter; not too rushed, after all, I have a whole lifetime to waste with you.
If the relationship becomes平淡, we can work on it again. If we run out of things to say, we can find new topics. If it feels tired, we can re-get-to-know each other. If we're feeling overwhelmed, we can give each other space. In this bustling crowd, it wasn't easy to meet you, and I no longer want to push you away.
Thank you, time, for the middle path, for avoiding the storm, and for allowing me to meet you by chance.
The two proudest moments in my life: one is that time will eventually consume my love for you; the other is that one day long ago, I met you.
Before I met you, I never thought about getting married. After meeting you, I never thought about marrying anyone else. —— Qian Zhongshu
You are the person I want to brag about to the world but can't bear to share with anyone else.