英语即兴回答 快来帮帮忙

1.If you have a toothache,what will you do ?
2.how will you feel if you have a lot of homework to do?
3.who do you like best,in you family ?
4.what is the difference between you now than two years ago?
5.what kind of things are important for you in a friend?
6.If you do not have money for your school trip,what will you do ?
7.what do you think of the environment in you city?(很差)
8.what will you do to help the olympics?
9.what do you think your study will be like in the future?
10.Do you often help your friends when they need help?why?
11.what do you think of the rules in your school?
12.what do you think is the most important on learning English?

第1个回答  2007-05-26
1. cover my mouth 捂着嘴
2. I'm so rich 充实富有的
3. fater except my mother 除了妈妈就是爸爸
4. taller 高了
5. trust in each other 互相信任
6. share the joy story with my classmates.分享可以去游玩的同学的故事
7. Too bad 真糟糕
8. Be in good behavior. 保持好的行为举止
9. Be a excellent student in the class 做一个成绩优秀的学生
10. Yes. for they will help me when I need help.会的,因为我有需要的时候,他们也会帮我
11. I will comply it strictly. 我将严格遵守
12. Do more practice in the daily life. 日常生活中多多运用。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2007-05-26
1.If you have a toothache,what will you do ?
I think I should go to a dentist .
2.how will you feel if you have a lot of homework to do?
I am very angry but I have to do it.
3.who do you like best,in you family ?
My mother,because she is very kind.
4.what is the difference between you now than two years ago?
I am taller than before and I am heavier than before.
6.If you do not have money for your school trip,what will you do ?
I think it not necessary(必要的)in a school trip.
8.what will you do to help the olympics?
I will stuy a foreign language very hard.
10.Do you often help your friends when they need help?why?
Yes ,I do .Because I think it is very important in a friendship.
11.what do you think of the rules in your school?
I think it's necessary.
12.what do you think is the most important on learning English?
I think care is the most important on learning English.
第3个回答  2007-05-26
1.Give it to my pet.
2.I feel that teachers are ugly.
4.I became cool.
5.He is not as clever as me.
6.I will borrow money.
7.People are so ugly.
8.Buy a ticket to the games.
9.Very good.
10.Sure,they also help me.
11.It's easy to break the rules.
12.Be interested in English.
第4个回答  2007-05-26
1.I might have to go to see a dentist.
2.It will drive me nuts.
3.I like them all.
4.Now I've became reasonable.
6.stay where I am.
10.Yes for sure.why?Coz they're my friends.
11.you tell me
12.Don'tbe afraid to speak and use whatever you have learned.
第5个回答  2007-05-26
1.let it go
2.a lot of joy
6.got the money
8.see it
10.yes ,cause they're my friends
11.strict and irrational