英语演讲比赛回答问题环节 急!!

要参加英才外语学校的地区决赛,在比赛中有回答问题的环节,希望大家帮帮忙列出一些可能会出现的题目(用英语)并回答! 初中水平,本人初二。 越多越好,多了加分
记得附上问题的答案 多的可以发到邮箱[email protected]

1.someone says“to be a class leader will affect one's study results”,what's your opinions about it?
2.speak out your ideas of smoking in public places.
3.what do you think is the most important in a basketball match,a basket,a timer or a coach?
4.when you are faced with a difficult problem,how do you solve it?
5.do you think it is necessary to be unique?
6.what's your understanding of"a friend in need is a friend indeed"?
7.when you are misunderstood by your headmaster or your parents or your friend, what will you do?
8.how do you make best use of your high school life?
9.Is money all powerfull?
10.what's your ideas about campus life?what's your plan?
还有很多 你看行我再帮你写 都是自己的劳动成果哦 以前做评委常提的问题
第1个回答  2010-05-20
学生们在赛前不用花时间去准备文章,比赛的重点是学生的现场发挥水平及平时的语言运用能力。比赛分三个环节。一.现场抽签读一段文章。 二 .听一篇短文,复述或回答问题。 三. 现场根据话题自由作文.一定要注重流畅的表达和激情的表演,独特而现实的观点。在即兴演讲时,仅有发音 “动听” 的优势是不够的。演讲内容的充实与否也非常关键。在听力比赛环节里,捕捉关键信息词、及时组织语言、流利地表达至关重要,这与平时点滴扎实的训练是分不开的。流畅动听的口语,独到鲜明的观点使选手领先他人。当然这种能力并非一蹴而就,在平时若一直能多听多动口,多考虑自己的立场和观点,经常做些思维体操,无疑都对比赛大有裨益。
第2个回答  2010-05-21
Do you think you are lucky?
Yes ,I do。