
Dear sir or Madam
I’m very glad
Thank you very much.
Yours truly,
Li Dong

Dear ladies and gentlemen:

I'm glad to accept CCTV middle school students English speech contest winners Qingdao English camp invitation, I will attend the expensive television on July 20-27 have activities of the organization. I really enjoyed the "teach foreigners learn Chinese" activities, because this can make us direct exchange learning from each other. Of course, if can will among them "watch English movies" activities also changed directly exchange activities, the kind you'd better .
Thank you very much.
Yours truly,
Li Dong 要采纳我的啊
第1个回答  2011-05-30
i'm very glad to accept the invitation of qingdao english summer camp who is the prize winner of middle school english speech contest on CCTV .I will join in all the activities you organized from july 20 to july 27.I like the "teach the foreign guest chinese"very much,because we can learn each other.of course it will be better if you can change the activity of " watch english movies"to direct exchange activity like this.
thank you very much.
我是工作时间开小差 帮你译的 可能不是特别准 你再改改
有事可以hi我 满意请采纳
第2个回答  2011-05-30
I'm very glad to receive your invitation .I will take an active part in your activities on time .I especially like this one ___ Teaching Foreigners to Learn Chinese.I think I have a good chance to learn English from them .We can help each other .If Seeing English Movies is also like that ,I will be happier.
第3个回答  2011-05-30

