
摘要:目的 了解江苏省流动人口艾滋病防治知识及态度现状,为开展健康教育与健康促进工作提供依据。方法 以江苏省张家港市、泰兴市、丹阳市为调查地区,采用方便抽样的方法,抽取各地流动人口共1374人,问卷调查流动人口艾滋病防治知识及态度现状,并进行初步的比较分析。结果 流动人口的艾滋病知识知晓率较低,其中艾滋病防治知识的总知晓率为66.62%,8条核心知识总知晓率为67.92%,2009年UNGASS指标知晓率(8条对6条及以上者所占比例)为60.92%,2010年UNGASS指标知晓率为8.44%,三大传播途径知晓率为76.78%。结论 流动人口的艾滋病知识还很欠缺,对他们进行艾滋病健康教育刻不容缓。
关键词:流动人口;艾滋病;知识及态度 ;调查与分析

Title: Investigation and analysis on the Present Knowledge of and Attitude to the AIDS Prevention among the Mobile Population of Jiangsu Province


Objectives: To understand the knowledge of and attitude to the AIDS prevention among the mobile population of Jiangsu Province, and provide basis for the growth of health education and health promotion.

Methods: We did a questionnaire survey among a convenience sample of a mobile population of 1374 people in the cities of Zhangjiagang, Taixing, and Danyang in Jiangsu province, asking about their knowledge of and attitude to the AIDS prevention, and performed a preliminary comparison and analysis.

Results: The mobile population has a rather low level of AIDS prevention knowledge. The overall AIDS prevention awareness rate is 66.62%, among which the rate of being aware of the 8 core items is 67.92%. The awareness rate of UNGASS index (the rate of people being aware of 6 or more of the 8 items) was 60.92% in 2009 and 8.44% in 2010. The awareness rate of the three major transmission ways is 76.78%.

Conclusions: The mobile population has a very low level of AIDS prevention knowledge. It is an urgent task to provide them with such education.

Keywords: mobile population, Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), knowledge and attitude, investigation and analysis.
第1个回答  2011-06-06
Title: Migrants in Jiangsu Province AIDS knowledge and attitudes of Investigation and Analysis Abstract: Objective To understand the flow of Jiangsu Province, AIDS knowledge and attitudes of the population status, for health education and health promotion work basis. Methods Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, Taixing City, Danyang City, to investigate the area, convenience sampling method used to extract a total of 1374 people around the floating population, the floating population survey of AIDS knowledge and attitudes towards the status quo and a preliminary comparative analysis. Results Knowledge about AIDS among the floating population low, with total awareness of AIDS prevention knowledge was 66.62%, 8 total rate of core knowledge was 67.92% in 2009 UNGASS indicators of awareness (eight pairs of six or more of the the largest percentage) was 60.92% in 2010 to 8.44% UNGASS indicators awareness, awareness for the three transmission 76.78%. Conclusion floating population still lack knowledge of AIDS, health education on AIDS for their delay. Keywords: floating population; AIDS; knowledge and attitudes; Investigation and Analysis
第2个回答  2013-02-26
This article from the information society the psychological needs of the human personality reality constantly enhanced, by the feelings of the water element to the seat to meet the needs of people with higher cultural needs of the search for individuality. Chair as the closest contact with the people, who best embodies the status and character of the furniture, designers have always been careful to create the object. Water as the most common substances in nature, one of the characteristics of its intangible taught us a great imagination. Chair of modern society should take in meeting the basic premise, it is also to meet people's spiritual pursuit. The overall shape of the chair with backrest, cushion, base, such as local echo is also the focus of this design.
Based on the above request, the chair of aesthetics and ergonomics combine to make "形神兼备" chair. In this paper, pop art from the classic theory and new knowledge, from the design of the basic knowledge of aesthetics, the chair of the function and form to achieve a perfect unity.
Key words personality needs; water element; design aesthetic; Pope
第3个回答  2011-06-06
Topic: jiangsu floating population AIDS knowledge and attitudes present situation investigation and analysis

Abstract: objective to understand AIDS knowledge in jiangsu province and the floating population situation to develop healthy attitude, education and health promotion, provides the basis. Zhangjiagang city in jiangsu province, the method for the study area, taixing city of danyang, use convenient sampling method, extraction of floating population 1374 across the floating population, questionnaire survey AIDS knowledge and attitudes present situation, and carries on the preliminary comparison analysis. The results of the floating population of knowledge about HIV AIDS prevention, including lower the total awareness for 66.62% knowledge, 8 of the total core knowledge 67.92%, 2009 awareness for UNGASS index of awareness (6 and 8 of the above 60.92% proportion, 2010) for UNGASS index 8.44%, three for survival rate for 76.78% dissemination. Conclusion the floating population AIDS knowledge is still very lack, to AIDS and health education is urgently needed.

Keywords: floating population; AIDS; Knowledge and attitude; The investigation and analysis

