
今天,我们为我们所取得的成绩自豪!为我们的努力辛勤劳动而赞叹,为社会各界对我们医院的良好评价而欣慰!在此,感谢多年来默契合作的伙伴的辛苦付出,感谢在我们成长中播种知识的专家老师.在今后的发展中还需要各位专家,老师, 朋友的大力支持

Respect of everyone elder generation, everyone teacher:

Walk all the way to much more several time, we feel grateful to allly acquire, the experience and training of the growth, success of joy, the comity of earnestness, sincerely of wish.
Today, we are proud of for the result that we obtain!Is our effort industrious labor but praise highly, is society the public to our hospital of good evaluation but delighted!Here, with gratitude many in the last years tacit understanding cooperation of colleague of pain pay, with gratitude in we the growth sow seeds the expert teacher of knowledge.in aftertime of the development still demand everyone expert, teacher, support strongly of friend
第1个回答  2007-06-02
Distinguished leaders and teachers:

Time flies. we are here grateful to all of you for all gains, all experiences, all success, and our friendship whole heartedly.
今天,我们为我们所取得的成绩自豪!为我们的努力辛勤劳动而赞叹,为社会各界对我们医院的良好评价而欣慰!在此,感谢多年来默契合作的伙伴的辛苦付出,感谢在我们成长中播种知识的专家老师.在今后的发展中还需要各位专家,老师, 朋友的大力支持
Today, we are proud of what we have achieved! We think highly of our harships. We are relieved for the compliments from the public. So, we are honored to thank our partners for their work, to thank the experts and teachers who helped and taught us. I think in the long run, we will still need your help.