
被打了200CC狗血的班主任让我家长会上用英语讲话,本人初二,求发言稿= =

Hello everyone!Welcome to our class----(你的班级)
I am the monitor of this class.I am (你的名字).
Some parents do not know the information about our class.
Let me help you.
First,our director of our class.(班主任是男的还是女的?好吧!我就当TA是女的吧。偶不清楚她怎么样,只能...咳咳.明白吧!以下内容按理说是应该不属实,如有雷同,纯属巧合!) Mrs.(她的姓.)She is very kind.And she is a young woman.Sometime she is patient to us.And sometime she is interesting.So I do not think I will be boring in her class.She teaches us Chinese.And never be angry with us.We all like her very much.
And our math teacher Mrs.(她的姓.)She is very strict-we do not dare to say a word unless she asks us to.She is also very serious and does not smile much.When she asks you to do something,we do it immediately.
They say that first impressions are very important.My first impression of Mrs.(她的姓)was that she was nervous and shy.I think perhaps she was ,as it was her first lesson with us.But now after a year ,the class really likes working with her .She is kind and patient.And she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it.I feel I am going to make progress with her.
They are our Chinese、math、English teacher.
Becouse of the time. I cannot tell you about all teacher in our class.
I think our class is good.And I hope that every classmate in our class will have a good time in (你的班级).
And I hope every parient will be willing to support us.
Thank you very much!
第1个回答  2011-04-18